Monday, May 18, 2009

Cake Day for Mr. Funny

You came into this world 6 weeks early. It was as if you couldn't wait to face the world. In fact, you would rarely sleep on your stomach and didn't you know they said babies were NOT supposed to sleep on their backs. You could have barfed and choked. It was as if you didn't want to miss a moment life had to offer. And what an experience you have been on our lives.

One of your first words was "choc-it" (chocolate) and that made me proud although I would later disappoint you when I wouldn't pony up the chocolate for breakfast. For the most part, you were a toddler of few words. It was as if you were watching and waiting for your moment to make your mark on the world.

And make a mark you did! Before you started school, I began to worry you would be a class clown and I would be an embarrassed parent because you rarely took life seriously. You had a knack for making people laugh.

And you might have inherited a bit of my selective OCD-ism. Remember that period in your life when you dressed like Urkel when you had to have everything tucked in just right and you had your pants pulled up to your nipples? We adapted and allotted the extra time for you to bask in your Urkel-ness neat ways.

Still, you made us laugh. Jokes were often being played and they were usually funny even if one backfired and almost got you suspended because pasting the Principal's face on a picture of Hitler is probably really not that funny. Your funny exterior was sometimes a disguise for how seriously you took school. It always cracked me up when teachers were surprised by how studious you were.

And that studious nature is beginning to pay off for you. All those college letters and brochures make me freak out because why do you have to look at colleges so far away so proud of you.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Funny! You've brought so much laughter and fun into our world.


Kristina P. said...

Your son is so handsome! Happy birthday!

darsden said...

Oh wow, what a wonderful glimps of the past of Mr. Wonderful and what a handsome young man he is. Look at that million dollar smile. You can tell he is happy, a charmer...just wonderful! Thankyou for sharing :-)

Everyday Goddess said...

How wonderful! Happy Birthday to you both! I love that he loves to make people laugh, what a great personality he must have.

nikkicrumpet said...

Even is his Urkle years he was adorable...and you know he got his sense of humor...and sense of mischief from YOU! Happy Birthday...from a total stranger who thinks your mom is pretty amazing. I'm sure you do to!

Fragrant Liar said...

That was great going from babyhood to young man in pictures. What a handsome son you have. Happy birthday, Mr. Funny!

beth said...

happy birthday! what a great post for him!

Reinventing Dad said...

Nice tribute to your Mr.Funny! Is he a blogger like his Mom?

Crazy Charm said...

What a great post! I loved the Urkel years. :)

Pseudo said...

Happy Brithday to Mr. Funny. I am so happy you got one who is studious on the inside. Mine's just funny.

Candice said...

Happy Birthday.

He's got a great smile and fabulous hair. He will surely go far. :)

mo.stoneskin said...

Nawwwww a lovely little birthday tribute.

But one thing I want to clarify.

What's wrong with pulling pants up to nipples? It's nice and cosy.

Rosaria Williams said...

What a charming young man you have, Beth. He'll be leaving you shortly. But not to worry; you have plenty others to raise.

Beth said...

Kristina - Thanks! I think he pretty darn handsome but I've been told that I'm not objective.

darsden - He does have that million dollar smile. It has saved his rear on more than one occasion.

Comedy Goddess - It is fun to have a little joker around (even if he isn't little any more).

nikkicrumpet - Personally, I thought his Urkel years were adorable. It was quite the scene to watch him tie his shoes and tuck in the shoelaces just right. We had to allot him ten minutes per foot for the shoe ritual.

Fragrant Liar - It doesn't seem possible that he has been my baby for 17 years. Then again, it seems like I've always had him.

beth - Thanks! I probably should write more about him. He really is funny.

Reinventing Dad - He isn't a blogger but he should be. When he set up his My Space page (eons ago), he set it up as an 80 year old man who loved broccoli. He is rather random and would be hilarious as a blogger.

Crazy Charm - I thought those Urkel years were rather charming, too.

Pseudo - I am THRILLED to have a studious child. And since he enjoys life so much, I don't think he'll burn out. He just loves to learn!

Candice - I think the hair will make him more employable than most. :) And that smile.

mo - Nothing wrong with pulling up the pants so high. Nothing at all. In fact, I may try it out today. I'll let you know how it goes.

lakeviewer - How right you are! I often feel like I've done more for other people's kids than my own.

cheatymoon said...

He's adorable, Beth. Seem like such a light spirit. Thank you for sharing and happy to your boy!

Jan said...

Holy cow - another absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous son!

Well, Happy Birthday, Mr. Funny. I wish you were a couple of years older - do I have a girl for you.

Deb said...

oh he's a cutie! my son went through an urkel stage too! his shirt had to be so tucked in, he would kind of hold his arm up around his waistband, so the shirt wouldn't slip, even a tiny bit! looking at him now, you'd never know he ever cared about his appearance.

hopefully your mr. funny won't go TOO far, but isn't it nice he has the confidence to do so?

Unknown said...

He is totally handsome! I'm so glad to hear he's studious as my grandson is the life of the party and I've been worrying he wouldn't take school serious as he gets older. So glad to hear it might be hiding a brain!

Happy birthday Mr. Funny; you're going to break so many hearts just because you exist!

Anonymous said...

oh he must be a really cool kid!


k said...

Oh and Mr. Funny is also Mr. Adorable. He's a good looking boy!! Love the Urkel picture too!!!

ShallowGal said...

I'd really like to figure out how to keep my kids from growing up so fast.

Happy Birthday Mr. Funny!

Dee-Zigns Handcrafted Jewelry said...

Beth, he is so handsome. I would be especially worried about those clingy girls getting their hands on him. best to keep him in state for college. We have so many good ones.
Happy birthday Mr. Funny, although your new name should be Mr. Hunky :).
Seriously, how old am I?

♥ Braja said...

Awww, that's sooo sweet...and he looks so happy :)

Mike said...

Very Nice, does he know that you posted these pictures? I would probably not talk to my Mom for a month LOL! He will probably be like, "God Mom! I hate those pictures"! (Unless he is a nice son and not an ass like myself)!haha

H.K. said...

What a funny and great tribute to your son on his b/day, he is really cute!

Funny Girl said...

Oh, your post is so sweet. What a great Mom Mr. Funny has.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Goosebumps and tears!!! Oh this post almost makes me looked like it went by so fast and I imagine that will be my son, someday getting ready to go to college. Looks like you have a great kid, hope I do as good of a job raising mine!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Funny! I love the pics, Beth. Thanks for sharing him with us today.

Hit 40 said...

Life is wonderful when your hard work thrives!!

I am also beginning to see my boys turn into men.

Congratulations and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! beautiful post.

followthatdog said...

Happy birthday! And the early love of chocolate should have tipped you off to his genius. Only a very smart child learns chocolate as one of their first words.
You have some very handsome sons, and they sound like all around winners in the personality department too. Good job, mama.

essbesee said...

auuuuuugh! that post just killed me. I have two little guys who I don't want to grow up, even if they turn out as handsome and as well as your mr. funny. it does go by quickly, huh?