Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Randomness Mess

If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that Miss Poopy is the pack leader a demanding little yapper our precious dog who had back surgery almost two years ago when she became paralyzed after a disc ruptured in her spine.  She was only three years old at the time of her surgery and our whole house changed as a result into a doggy yellowy pee-y river and pile o’ poop abode

The miracle is that we let her live she can walk now albeit a bit like slinky dog!

The other day, I found something just for Miss Poopy!


A diaper!  Obviously, Miss Poopy hates loves it!  Please disregard her tail drooping and the fact that she is hiding her head in shame.  Miss Poopy lasted almost 5 minutes in her diaper before she peed it up we decided to remove it. 

For Hanukkah, I’m thinking of getting Miss Poopy a special gift since she has been such a needy good dog.


A Snuggie for dogs!  How awesome is that?!  Are there any other suggestions for gifts that can shame for my sweet doggie?


Michele said...

Your poor puppy.

After saying that I would invest in about 10 of those doggy diapers and line them with baby diapers because I could not handle doggy pee or poo in my house.

Candice said...

If you're looking to shame your poor doggie with a gift, I'm sure the Snuggie should just about do the trick.

The Peach Tart said...

If you get the dog snuggie, don't do the hot pink.

cheatymoon said...

Dog snuggie - that's so cool

Cristin said...

I so would not have let my dog live.

I'm evil like that.

Unknown said...

I won't say poor Miss Poopy because she has loving "parents", a wonderful, warm house and a gorgeous yard!

I'm guessing that she doesn't have control so puppy training pads probably won't do, but I'm fairly certain you can purchse disposable diapers much like those for a baby. Not sure I'd want to be changing Miss Poopy's diapers though; think I'd use the puppy pads and spray them with that can of scent (whatever it's called that you can buy at PetSmart) and hope she likes it better than your rugs!

Jan said...

I'm sure Scooter would adore a Snuggie for a holiday gift. He wouldn't wear it, but I'm sure he'd enjoy the heck out of chewing it to shreds.

Laura Marchant said...

Do you have to give her a bath every time she poops in it? I don't know what would be worse the floor or it mixed in her fur, lol

Brian Miller said...

eww...many people would have guven up on her, i am glad you have not...i was so glad to get out of the diaper stage with the boys, i dont know if i could ever go back...

k said...

Aww Miss Poopy is so loved & cared for! It is obvious. She is lucky to have you!!

CiCi said...

Doesn't sound like you are getting any new suggestions, but everyone is in awe of your patience and love in caring for Miss Poopy.

Everyday Goddess said...

Maybe you can carry her in a Baby Bjorn?

sun lover said...

Oh the things we do for the animals we love....

As a matter of fact I just, wait I almost forgot this is your blog not mine!

My Mr. Poopy is sitting in my recliner snoring while I type right now.

Does the snuggie come in extra extra large? Thought I'd ask, X-mas is right around the corner! :)

Kristina P. said...

I'm assuming you didn't see my latest post, but you must check it out.

As I say in my post, if you don't buy your dog a Snuggie, the terrorists win.

mo.stoneskin said...

Not being a huge fan of dog poop I'd personally like to see all dogs in diapers.

Chief said...

I love poopy

that is all

Alisha said...

The snuggie may just do it.

UGH ... dog poop and pee. I feel for you!

Michel said...

I love Ms. Poopy!!! She's my fav!! the doggie diaper is fab!

You could always get her the little elf hat from petsmart that we made kernel wear for our family christmas photo...of course, he LOVED it...but poods was humliated to wear his santa hat and beard.

Yes, I am aware that I am crazy. Thank you for pointing that out.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I'll admit that I never knew why you called her Miss Poopy. . .

Optimistic Pessimist said...

love the dog snuggie so much that i'm thinking of getting a dog just so i can make it wear the snuggie. you know they have snuggies for kids too. i'm pretty sure it's going to be under the tree for my son this year!

Liz Mays said...

I feel sorry for your little poopy pup!

Beth said...

Michele - Seriously, I probably do need to buy more diapers.

Candice - I shouldn't but I love to torture her by dressing her up.

The Peach Tart - Blue does look better on her.

Movie - I thought so, too!

Cristin - Ha! To know Miss Poopy is to love her.

Jane - You are right about her not having control. Except sometimes we wonder if she has more control than she is letting on to. The end result is that we are trained to take her out for her episodes.

Jan - I'm afraid Miss Poopy would chew up her Snuggie, too. Shameful.

Midwest Mommy - Fortunately, she has never pooped in it. But if she did, she would get a bath. Yuck!

Brian - There have been moments when I wanted to give up on her. She can be exhausting. But she does add a lot of fun to our life. And I can't imagine not having her.

K13 - She IS lucky to have us. And WE are lucky to have her.

TechnoBabe - She just messes up some towels. And we have to clean behind her at times with some bleach. It could be worse.

OMG - Great idea! I'm on it.

sun lover - Of course, it comes in extra large!

Kristina - And we don't want the terrorists to win, do we?

mo - You are a genius!

Chief - Come on over. She'd love you, too.

Alisha - It really isn't too bad. Have I told you how much I love our steam cleaner?

Michel - When you get back to the states, we must get Miss Poopy together with Kernel and Poods. It could be a doggie reunion. And, who is crazy?

Mom on Spin - It was enlightening, eh?

Optimistic Pessimist - I'm all about those snuggies!

blueviolet - Actually, she lives a really good life.

Hit 40 said...

I saw this at CVS the other day!! Very cute!! I was tempted to get my cats one but...

no way will a cat wear a blanket.

LucyCooper said...

In my experience, any type of head garment is extra-humiliating- a real tail-dropper.

A Free Man said...

Snuggies and nappies for dogs. God bless American ingenuity.

Carma Sez said...

Cristin's comment is cracking me up - is that bad??? ;-)

Harlem's A Hatin said...

OMG a doggie diaper! So adorable!

♥ Braja said...

Dog posts? Beth...uh....ok......

Smart Mouth Broad said...

A doggy snuggi! How cute. I'm so jealous of Miss Poopy. ......for the Snuggi....not the diaper. :-)

Hit 40 said...

Loved your comment today...

I also practice your advice of forgiveness is easier than asking!!!

Chris said...

Snuggies for dogs? They should call them "Snuppies". Or "Snoggies."

Lori said...

I am so glad to be done with the diaper stage...ugh. She is so cute!

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

The snuggy picture made me LOL; thanks. :)