Friday, January 29, 2010

Waving the white flag

white flag While I fully recognize there is a full moon out there, I’m not afraid.  After the rollercoaster that has been this past week, there isn’t much more ground to cover.  Besides, I’m a little numb inside.

With my assistant principal out for three days, I’ve run the ship alone.  With so many events crammed into each day, my response to Mr. Strong’s question of what happened today has been a succinct “nothing.”

Actually, there are approximately 42 stories for me to tell you since we last spoke though I’m still grappling with finding a humorous view.  At least a lice outbreak is funny, right? But where is the humor when a parent hurts a child and DFACS removes children from the home.  And I’m not laughing at all at the irate parent who secretly recorded a meeting we had and is now threatening to sue because we are “picking” on her child.  Though I probably should be laughing at the parent who won’t work on sight words with her child but will stop and spend time to write a scathing email to me about the kids not getting outside recess one day when the playground was still super muddy from all the rain.

The good news is that home is sane calm IMG_8402_picnikstill the same.  And Miss Poopy continues to earn her rent by cleaning the dishes.


cheatymoon said...

I had wanted to add a doggie to my household this past year. I could use a sweet puppy face to greet me at home after a week like this... Ms. Poopy is so sweet.
However, it is also 13 degrees outside. No puppy would love that.

Happy weekend, Beth!! xoxo

Brian Miller said...

the good news...its friday. and sounds like you have some great stories in store for us. lol.

have a great weekend!

Laura Marchant said...

Ugh, with an extra ugh!

PJ said...

I think Miss Poopy lends a fresh perspective that we would all do well to emulate. And isn't it illegal to tape record a conversation without someone's consent????

mo.stoneskin said...

The strike-through had me giggling so much that had I been seen I would have been immediately classified as a schoolgirl.

Unknown said...

I had a difficult time getting past the strikethrough about the child getting hurt by his/her parent(s)and I know DFCS has problems, but thank God the kid isn't vulnerable anymore. said...

Happy Friday is about the best I can offer. I was one of those annoying parents this week at my son's school. I called the principal to report that a 5th grader was sporting (and showing around) a 6" knife on the bus to school. Lovely, huh?

Enjoy your weekend and exhale!

Amy said...

what a week you had.. I hope you have a great weekend. Oh my I love your dog. I use to have one but she has is in doggy heaven now going on 2 years. Oh do I miss her..

Pseudo said...

I had the teacher version of your week. A huge irate email from a mom cause I replied to her previous email that "no, I will not call her each time her daughter's grade drops below a "C." That's why we have the online grades, so she can check it herself and call me if she has any questions.

Our new principal announced through his VP's at department meetings yesterday that he did not intend to stick with our old principal's policy of keeping teams together that wanted to stay together. He wants to "redisignate" a lot of teaching lines so "things don't get stale."


justsomethoughts... said...

is it ok if i laugh at that irate parent?

CiCi said...

If parents would spend as much time to be attentive to their own children as they are to recording sessions with school teachers and principals it would help their children. I am sorry to hear of children being hurt by their parents and having to be removed from their home. Scary and sad for little kids. Thank God for Miss Poopy!

Funny Girl said...

So completely out of line that a parent recorded a meeting without your knowledge. You should check with the law in GA. If it a two part consent state, then that parent has broken the law by not gaining your consent to be recorded. Couunter-sue the biotch!

Herding Cats said...

Parents are so out of line sometimes. I'm so sorry all that got dumped into your lap this week.

Sue said...

TGIF!! I always wonder why some people can call themselves "parents" just because they gave birth! Enjoy your week-end.
Take care, Sue

Unknown said...

WOW what a week you had. At least its Friday. Ms Poopy is SWEET!

Jaime said...

you've run the ship - and it's friday. go get a drink after work and shake off the week.

Kristina P. said...

Lice outbreaks are horrible!

rxBambi said...

I'm not a lawyer (obvi) but I don't think she can use the tape to sue you. It's illegal to record someone without their permission -- I think. But again, I'm not sure.
I love your dishwasher. I have a couple also. Saves on so much water and energy costs!

k said...

oh ugh...sounds like a rough week indeed!! and DCS was taking a statement from a student yesterday at the high school where I'm at this semester. sad. sad. sad.

Artsnark said...

Wow - hope you have a relaxing weekend

Mike said...

Boy, you had to blank a lot of that out! LOL!!

Brenda Susan said...

You win the award for most entitled to say "Thank God It's Friday"!!

Felicitas said...

You've obviously had quite the week. Here's hoping the weekend proves to be less eventful!

Rosaria Williams said...

She looks cute and a perfect student.

LucyCooper said...

I hope next week is better Beth. And thanks for yet another reminder of what it's like to be a school administrator. I'm sure working with kids would be great if it weren't for their crazy parents.

Vodka Mom said...

my heart goes out to you, my friend. Just remember that you are amazing person, and that G. does NOT give you more than you can handle.

You are in charge for a good reason.

Because you care.


Joanna Jenkins said...

All I can say is TGIF!!!

Enjoy the weekend.

Matty said...

Sounds like quite the busy week. Now, as for that secretly recorded conversation......I don't know where you live, but most states have "wiretap" laws that prohibit secretly recording other people without their consent. It's a criminal offense, and the person who does the recording can be arrested and prosecuted.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Does your job come with mood leveling drugs as part of your pay package?

After President of the USA, I'm thinking that school principals have the next most stressful, thankless job.

I seriously don't know how you do it.

gayle said...

I can't even imagine how hard your job is!!

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you. Parents are a special breed.

Spend some time petting and talking to your dog. He'll totally understand where you're coming from.

Fragrant Liar said...

Perhaps it would help if you came over to my place and got some ideas for namecalling. Just releasing the bad juju into the air could make you feel better.

Carma Sez said...

the parent writing an email about the mud needs to get a grip - sheeeesh. Are you contemplating very early retirement???? I know I would be!

Mrsbear said...

You know, you give me a new respect for the profession. You guys deal with a lot of very weighty issues. At the very least you ensure that I will always be nice to our principals. ;) Hope this week is an improvement on last.

Candice said...

Aww Beth, I'm sorry you feel like you're wading through sh*t right now. At least it sounds that way.

I can't imagine the things you put up with. I give you and teachers all the respect in the world! I really do.

Keep your head up!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I am just catching up now on my blogging. Sounds like you could use the week break I've had....
Hang in there; you're my hero.

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.

Chris said...

Oooh! Oooh! The head lice story! Please!?!?

I got one this week that I can't really post on my blog, but the punch line is...

"So I don't take my 9-year old with me when I'm selling sex toys anymore."

Smart Mouth Broad said...

God bless Miss Poopy! I hope the rest of the week is better for you, Beth.