Thursday, January 7, 2010

There is this teacher I know…

There is this teacher I know who has two little girls with blonde hair and blue eyes.  She and her husband loved these two little girls and have raised them well.  Still, this teacher knew something was missing.

This teacher and her husband talked with each other and both agreed they wanted to do something to help a child in need.

This teacher dreamed of adopting a little boy with blond hair and blue eyes that would look a lot like her little girls.

One day, a quiet, little girl with brown hair and brown eyes entered her classroom.  This little girl lived in a foster home, as she had most of her life, since her mother had abandoned her.  Although she had dreamed of a blond haired, blue-eyed boy, this teacher fell in love with this needy, little brown haired girl with brown eyes.

This teacher went home that night and talked with her husband.  They both agreed that they’d ask the powers that be if they could adopt this quiet, little girl with brown hair and brown eyes.

This teacher and her husband met with the powers that be and agreed to take parenting classes and to add another bedroom to their house so that they might be considered as possible parents for this brown haired girl with brown eyes.

Time passed.  The classes were taken.  A new bedroom was added.  This brown haired girl with brown eyes was allowed to visit this teacher and her husband.  The little girls with blonde hair and blue eyes loved this little girl with brown hair and brown eyes.  They wanted her to be their little sister.

Finally, just before the holidays, this little girl with brown hair and brown eyes moved into this teacher’s house.  This teacher and her husband waited to hear when the adoption would be finalized for this little girl with brown hair and brown eyes for they loved her very much.

Right after the New Year, a father with brown hair and brown eyes decided he wanted custody of his this little girl with brown hair and brown eyes.  Although this biological father had never raised this little girl with brown hair and brown eyes, he now wanted a chance.

There is this teacher I know who is broken hearted.


Matty said...

Isn't it amazing! The parents never want the child until someone else does. It's sad that we hear similar stories all the time. I hope that things work out for them. said...

I am so sad for that teacher. I hope the little girl has a wonderful life.

Tracie said...

How devastating for the teacher. Like Nancy, I hope the girl has a good life with her dad.

Unspoken said...

I am so sorry to hear it!

Masala Chica said...

So sad, Beth. It takes incredible guts to open yourself up to adoption - and to have your heart broken at the end is devastating. I hope your friend doesn't give up hope on adopting again - it sounds like they have a lot of love to give.

Laura Marchant said...

Oh god, this is so hard. Is he at least a good man? Did he not know about her before? Depending on this father I feel for both of them but I especially feel heartbroken for this little girl.

Fragrant Liar said...

Way to step up, "dad." Just when people who actually WANTED the little brown-eyed girl were ready to receive their beautiful gift.


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, such a gut-wreching, yet not uncommon tale. Society continues to put biological parents on some uber pedastal. And everyone suffers.
I'm so sorry for this family and this child. And can only hope for the best for her...

Sue said...

What is wrong with our "system"? Parenting isn't about who put together a "sperm & egg". It's about love and family. This couple and their two little girls will be blessed, they are good people, that DO the right things in life, unconditional love!
Take care, Sue

Kathy's Klothesline said...

So sad for the whole family! I hope this man is worthy of the little girl. My son and daughter-in-law have adopted 3 little girls over the past 6 years and have their application in again. These are "open" adoptions and the girls see their birth parents at least twice a year. There are three different sets of birth parents and it has turned into a huge extended family for my son's family. It takes a special person to open their hearts. Tell your friend not to give up, there are many happy stories out there.

gayle said...

I just don't understand why things like this have to happen!! So very sad!!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

How awful for "this teacher". My heart breaks for her and her family. My neighbors and good friends fostered to adoption. My entire family had to have background checks so that we could be respite care. I even had to (and was happy to do it) take a class as the most likely candidate to babysit. They were blessed with a boy and girl, twins, blonde haired, blue eyed darlings with no problems. The parents were two 19 YO drug addicts who had left the twins alone in their crib for days at the age of 9 months. Even after months of chances, the parents were too addicted to take care of the kids but we sat on pins and needles waiting for the courts to decide to allow them to be adopted. The funny thing was that they stayed in a childrens home for over 6 months because no one would take both of them and the state wouldn't let them be separated (Thank, God) I'm happy to say that we just celebrated our 8th Christmas with the twins who we affectionately refer to as the YaYas. Tell your friend not to give up. Our neighbors had the first child (a baby)taken from them by a family member who stepped up at the last minute. There are so many children out there who need a good home.

Herding Cats said...

So sad. I hope the heartbroken family recovers and the dad does right by the little girl.

Brenda Susan said...

So sad & painful. My heart goes out to this family.

Anonymous said...

how very frustrating! where was this "father" a year ago...or two...or five?!

i know it's hard to hear...but i honestly believe everything happens for a reason. either they will get that little brown eyed girl after all and only by going through all of this will they realize how badly they wanted her...or they will get their blue eyed boy. something good will happen to these good people. it will.

Yaya' s Home said...

My heart breaks for everyone concerned, but most especially for the child. She was prob'ly beginning to feel a sense of stability in her life for the first time and the man who should most have given it to her has snatched it away from her in the name of "His Rights."

I think that the child's welfare and concern should be the most important thing in a case like this.

By the way, Smart Mouth Broad, Yaya is my name. I'm so glad you are all happy.

~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World

PJ said...

I hope that eventually she can let go and do the next good thing. That little girl will never forget her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment...My mothers a huge Elvis fan, so we grew up with him as part of the family...

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

My heart breaks for the entire family who had fallen in love with the little girl and, even more so, for the little girl who had a wonderful, loving family dangled in front of her and then snatched away by the system.

I hope the little girl's life turns out to be a happy one.

I know that God has a plan for that special big hearted family.

cheatymoon said...

This one makes me cry. Every time I hear that someone is adopting a foster kid, I cringe, because I've known of so many situations similar to this... heartbreaking for everyone.

There have been more than a few that I'd like to adopt. That's my lottery plan. Adopt a bunch of them.

Brian Miller said...

oh this one makes me a bit sad. i have a child i work with whose dad has just come back into the picture and wrecked the world. i hope yours has a happier ending.

and another chance for the teacher.

sun lover said...

One of just the many things that are wrong with the systems.

Such a sad sad story.

BlackLOG said...

We had some friends who brought up two wonderful boys - We only see them once or twice a year yet the boys are able to converse and communicate with us. Unlike some other friends children who just about manage to grunt before running back to their PC games.

When the boys left home they decided they wanted to give something back to society and decided to foster children. After 8 months of classes and courses they were turned down as unsuitable for fostering. The reason was an argument over having TV's and PC's in the bedroom. Our freinds firmly believe that children should not have access to these unrestricted while their local authority felt that that was counter mount to cruelty. Ever wondered why we find ourselves living in a dysfunctional society....

erin said...

Teary eyed morning now because of you!!

I hope that little girl has a wonderful life. At least she'll always know that the teacher and her family loved her very much.

Jan said...

Is there no way the powers that be will tell this man who has allowed his daughter be fostered ever since her abandonment, "Sorry, asshat - you had your chance"?

Mrs. M said...

I feel so bad for them!

Michele said...

It takes more to be a father than a little sperm. Where was he when this little girl needed him? Shame on him for coming around just when she was getting a family when she could have used him a long time before. I hope this isn't a whim on his part.

Kulio said...

I was holding my breath, hoping for a happy ending, fearing exactly what you wrote. :-(

So sorry.

Kulio said...

I was holding my breath, hoping for a happy ending, fearing exactly what you wrote. :-(

So sorry.

CiCi said...

I see it from the view of the child. I was in foster homes through my teens. I see the little girl as so lucky to have people who really want her. And love her. I hope she is transitioned gently and lovingly and not exposed to negative and angry adults.

Lori said...

This breaks my heart for the little girl and for the family that wanted her. I don't know the history of this father so it's difficult to say but I do know the heart ache we would feel should one of the absent fathers of our 2 little ones decide to fight to take them away, even though neither has ever been involved. Even though we have full custody I know that it could be taken away by a system that seems more bent on fighting for and protecting "sperm parent" rights then that of the children. I truly pray that this father has his shit together and gives this little girl the good life she so deserves. I also pray that this family that has prepared their home and their hearts to accept more into their family, will keep their arms wide open to accept whoever is meant to be there.

justsomethoughts... said...

how sad
for everyone
it tkaes more than biology
hopefully she is in the right place before long

Captain Dumbass said...

I hope her father makes the most of his second chance and I hope the teacher mend her broken heart and try again.

Liz Mays said...

I hope her dad is good to her and that it works out for the best but I'm terribly sorry for the hurt it caused the teacher. :(

Deb said...

oh beth. what an unfair world we live in sometimes.

Chris said...

Wow, you certainly didn't give enough info about the girl's father to warrant the hostility toward the man that some commenters seem to feel. I mean, isn't a dad stepping up to his responsibility a GOOD thing? Granted, it's very sad for your teacher, but I'm sure she and her husband will be wonderful for another child. Gotta give Dad a chance, though, provided his motive is pure . . . and you've divulged nothing to make me think otherwise.

Mrsbear said...

I'm sad for all of them. I hope this dad somehow manages to defy expectation. How disappointing for them. :(

rxBambi said...

oh my gosh this just breaks my heart especially because you know that the father only wants custody so he can get the ss check since her mother died. I'm sorry for them, and especially the little girl.

Mike said...

I was just wondering if this wonderful, caring teacher that you know, might be someone who we all might know??

I hope that the child is well cared for by whoever may raise her.

Joanna Jenkins said...

This made me heart sink.

ChiTown Girl said...

So heartbreaking. I wish I knew a little more of the background on the dad. Did he even know about the little girl? If he just found out he had a daughter, imagine the rollercoaster of emotions he must have felt. I just pray that he truly is interested in doing what's best for his daughter.

k said...

My heart breaks for the teacher too. Such a broken system & unbelievably unfair & cruel!

Artsnark said...

Hopefully the Dad appreciates his 2nd chance takes good care of his little girl

Also wish the best for the teacher and her family - such a sad situation

Jason, as himself said...

What a gut wrenching story. I hope with all my heart that this bio-dad pulls his act together.

followthatdog said...

I've got tears in my eyes, they welled up when I read about the teacher opening her heart and home to this little girl. They were tears of awe as I read that people in this world could be so amazing. Then they turned to tears of sadness as I imagine that opportunity snatched away from that teacher. I hope that father does right by this little girl because it sounds as though he took her away from people who would. How sad.

Anonymous said...

My heart hurts for that teacher and her family - and for the brown eyed, brown haired girl. My own dark haired, dark eyed, dark skinned children's bio father wanted them back after they came to me - in our case, though, it was an untenable situation and they stayed with me.

I hope the teacher knows there are lots of other children with various other eye, hair, and skin combinations available (already legally) for adoption, just hoping two parents and two blond haired, blue eyed sisters will come along and want them.

Carma Sez said...

awwwwww man. Didn't see that ending coming :-(

Optimistic Pessimist said...

this gave me goosebumps and almost made me cry. i feel sorry for the little girl and the life that she could have had.