Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And are we always this charming?


I had a message this morning from an irate parent.

“My son is on his way back from his father, the bastard, who didn’t get him home on time so he won’t be at school today.  Since it isn’t my fault that his father was being a jerk, I am demanding this absence be excused.  And if you don’t excuse it, I will take it over your head because this. is. not. my. fault.  And if you send me another letter about my son’s absences and tardies, I will report you.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

Apparently, since my voice mail didn’t respond to her question, she went ahead and called the superintendent’s office.

Her new letter about her son’s unexcused absence is already in the mail.


Kristina P. said...

WEll, since he's a bastard, I would excuse it.

Liz Mays said...

LOL, I love that the letter is still on its way! ;)

Mimi said...

DUDE! That is insane! INSANE!

Jan said...

I wanna know what the superintendent's office told her...

Mike said...

Remember when the parents used to respect the schools?

Mrs. C. said...

Yeah, it'll go on your permanent record. Are ya worried?

cheatymoon said...

Often the parents feel so marginalized by own school experiences, they approach every school interaction with preemptive offense.
I always think, if the parent can shriek that much to a teacher or administrator or nurse or school secretary, how much are they shrieking to their own kids?
Ack. People suck.

Everyday Goddess said...

No way! You mean I an blame my ex husband for stuff I should have done?

Love it!

ChiTown Girl said...

Love it!!! I only wish I knew I could blame stuff on my ex, the bastard. It would have made my life so much easier! ;-)

Optimistic Pessimist said...

guess she just wanted to make sure everyone knew it wasn't her fault. gotta love phonemail.

Brian Miller said...


got one of those calls myself today...not about school but...those darn dads...

essbesee said...

you never cease to crack me up.

Mrsbear said...

!!! Sounds like she has some anger issues. I always find it's best to unload your most potent venom on strangers, from the relative isolation of the inside of my van. Why she'd make an ass of herself when you still have 6 good months of school left is beyond me.

Ash said...

That message just makes me want to sneak away with that son and give him a big hug.

Parents can be such self-centered a-holes, no?

Anonymous said...

Wow. What scares me is that people like that are allowed to raise children.

No wonder this world is in such a sorry state.

LucyCooper said...

that makes me really, really sad for the poor kid who listens to it day in and day out. I'm eternally grateful that, although my parents separation and divorce when I was ten was not pretty, they never NEVER did things like that to my brother and me.

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh yeah, the irate, irresponsible parent, forcing her excuse, trying to control her life by pushing people around.

I do hope you don't her off the hook.

Laura Marchant said...

I'm surprised she told the truth.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wow, that message must've made you feel all warm and fuzzy; poor kid, huh?
Let us know if she calls back after the letter; would Love to hear what she has to say next.

PJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bernthis said...

oh the joys of divorce

PJ said...

I think my favorite story about parents and school is the one where the parents wouldn't give the school a number to call in case of emergency because, "We don't give that number out to anyone!" If anything, I was TOO helpful.

Herding Cats said...

Parents are my least favorite part about teaching :/

Masala Chica said...

He may be a bastard. but she's a freaking bitch. so why would that give them an excuse on the letters. Are jerky parents getting different privileges than nice ones these days? lame, lame, lame.

Glad you got that letter out. way too be timely.

k said...

wow. starting to think i made the wrong career choice (again).

Michele said...

He probably is a bastard but she sounds kind of like a bitch. Wonder why they are still not together? They sound perfect for each other. Poor baby; to be stuck between those two.

Pseudo said...

So sorry Beth. This must be the suckiest part of your job. These kinds of parents...

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!

Anonymous said...

clearly, she is having some anger issues. maybe the school counselor should give her a call back?!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Is she kidding?!?!?! Does Mom get points or demerits for her kid missing school?

You should get combat pay.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

She called the superintendent!!??!! And when she finally does receive the letter anyway, who's she gonna call?

Ghostbusters??!! (I know, it was too easy....)

Just Joany said...

Don't you just love the way you get your life-chuckles?

~ Just Joany
Red Wagon Flights

PippaD said...

Wonder why he is her ex?

sun lover said...

Damn, not the permanent record, gosh what is administration coming to these days? Who knew that is what makes an unexcused absence? And what do you mean irate parents demands don't get to be met? Gee-sh and she wonders why the bastard divorced her!

mo.stoneskin said...

All things considered though, she is remarkably eloquent, I may have to borrow her style...

JennyMac said...

Wow...another tragic by-product of divorce. This is what you deal with? You must have extreme patience.

Anonymous said...

It has always amazed me that one compliment can give me a glow, but one irate comment can ruin a full week.

It sounds like she feels that threats equal power. Maybe she could have hooked the car up to her trailer and brought him to you for "home schooling". lol

CiCi said...

You gotta sympathize with the obvious stress she brings into her life and then thinks she has the right to rage at everyone else so she can keep the stress and stuff going in her own life. So sad.

Aunt Juicebox said...

My kid's dad has made me mad enough to want to go off on somebody before too. I'm sure she feels impotent, her child's attendance is being affected and she cares about that, and can't do anything. It is really sad when the parents don't give a crap if the kid gets to school on time. The kids that have to be late I'm sure feel like crap about it. Who wants to be that kid, walking into the class late all the time, in front of everybody? She needs to fight it out in court though, not take it out on the school.

michelle said...


Deb said...

Whenever I start to miss teaching I just have to come over here and read posts such as this. It is no wonder that our world is in the shape it is in - no one has to take responsibility or be accountable. Okay, I will put my soapbox away. Smile, it is almost Friday.

gayle said...

I work as a teacher assistant in first grade and have for 24 years. Parents are get crazyer and crazyer!! One of our ta's was hurt yesterday by a dad gunning off in his car with her hand still on the door!! Our principal has banned him from coming on school grounds.. He did it to himself!! This ta may have to have surgery!!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

So, did you mention his father, "the bastard" in your letter? Just wondering? ROFL

Matty said...

I sure hope you don't give in to her pressure tactics. I know you have a boss like everyone, but I also hope they support you on this. Parents are the reason my daughter left the teaching profession.

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

Hmmm..couldn't be any bastard in her genes huh? She's a charmer! Must have been a fun relationship they had.

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

Hmmm..couldn't be any bastard in her genes huh? She's a charmer! Must have been a fun relationship they had.

Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com said...

Hmmm..couldn't be any bastard in her genes huh? She's a charmer! Must have been a fun relationship they had.

A Free Man said...

Ah, another episode of "Real Lives of the White and Trashy"...

Chris said...

Remember, Beth, it's not whether you win or lose, it's where you place the blame.

Artsnark said...

Oh man - I feel for the kid...

Aunt Becky said...

Bwahahaha! I mean, what else can I say? But wow. She's quite lovely, isn't she?

Unknown said...

What happened to people being accountable? It seems to have gone by the wayside, along with manners.

glauren5 said...

HAHA I am a teacher and I can absolutely relate. My first year teaching I had a very disturbed little fellow who got in trouble for calling another student a "ho." When his father found out about the trouble, he wrote our assistant principal this huge email full of words he didn't even use properly and then tried to say that he called her the other "hoe." (You know, the gardening utensil -- I think that's how he put it.) Just makes me laugh sometimes at how far parents will go to make excuses for their bad parenting!

Marinka said...

Love Kristina's comment! Maybe you should send an extra letter. Just in case.

Funny Girl said...

Can you suspend a student due to his/her parent's bad behavior?