Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just when you think you’ve reached your breaking point…

Today was the kind of day that, had it been legal, it would have been nice to take a swig of something strong.  Then again, I am still a little afraid to have a drink because that could be the beginning of the story that ends with, “Hello.  My name is Beth and I’m a …”

Today, there were many, many situations that wrapped their tentacles into my brain and tore away at my sanity.

You might think it is hard work to remain chipper despite the seventeen parents who sent negative emails about their child NOT watching the President’s speech but those emails pale in comparison to the phone call from the irate grandmother who WILL TALK TO AN ADMINISTRATOR.  TODAY.  At least now I know where the little guy gets some of his colorful language. 

While it seemed like a good idea to let my hair air dry this morning to allow time to respond to some of the many emails, it suddenly seemed a poor decision when the local news channel came to film how my school was handling the Obama speech to the students.  Make that BOTH OF THE LOCAL NEWS CHANNELS.  Yep!  That was me, bad hair and all, on BOTH the local news channels this evening.

A paragraph won’t do justice the situation going on with the parents of the Tsunami Twins.  Those poor kids!  I could write a book about this family and you’d question my truthfulness because nobody does this kind of ridiculous crap in real life!  Right?!.

Having a teacher make inappropriate comments about a situation really frustrated me and wreaked havoc on my patience.  Then all that patience came rushing back when Mr. Matter of Fact broke down in the hallway because he missed his father who died on the last day of school this past school year.  I couldn’t write about it then as my own emotions about losing my dad when I was a kid are still way too raw.

Even Lucifer the trainer seemed to pick up on the fact that I had had a rough day and went a little easier on me.  It may or may not have helped that he noticed me on the news with my bad hair answering stupid questions from the reporter.  Really, what principal would answer truthfully about if they did or did not think the Superintendent had made the right decision.  OF COURSE, he made the RIGHT decision.  See?  I love my job!

Nothing soothed my soul more than my own husband.  As I recounted my hell day, I once again ended the conversation with my habitual comment of “I wish I were teaching again.”  And he said, “"Why don’t you?”

I need to answer that question this year. 

Why don’t I?



♥ Braja said...

Damn and bugger. Bad hair day plus, huh? And the pic captures it all....

cheatymoon said...

The classroom misses you.


Oh, and the kid w/ the b.day invites? When he gave them out on the bus, the kids threw them out the bus windows. SO, Ms. Fresh Breath CAME BACK to yell at us this afternoon! (I left that off my blog - you know - to preserve my anonymity...)

Beth, go pour a glass of wine...

Beth said...

Braja - I think it was the bad hair that sent me over the top.

Erin - I knew you'd understand! Gerbil Mom sounds like a fun one.

Chris said...

I ask myself that same question all the time and the answer always comes back to "because I've grown into my new salary." Sad but true.

But I have decided that I'm never going to be a superintendent.

Brian Miller said...

ack. sounds like a fun one...(there is sympathy in saying that.) the pic at the end wraps it up well and at least you can say...its over. smiles.

The Bus Driver said...

Wow your day sucked. Plain and simple. Mine began and ended on the bus from the depths of hell, so it makes me wonder when the next full moon is!

Chief said...

Isn't that interesting that we both posted about the same subject today? I totally feel for you. I don't teach, I run interference (administrative assistant). Good luck tomorrow, and the day after that too!

Ash said...

I'm so very sorry about your day - good news, tomorrow 9/9/9 is supposed to be mean some good Karma.

I think.

(I need to go read this backstory about the boy with the b.day invites - out the bus windows?!)

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Isn't it just like a husband to take you literally!!!

What DO they think we're talking about?????

beth said...

ugh...hope tomorrow is better!

Hit 40 said...


I had a long day too!!! I think they had the whole freaking weekend to think of things to go crazy on us with.

Bad Karma to them all!!

sun lover said...

Humm why don't you teach? Well one reason could be you are really really good at what you do. It takes a special type of person to deal with what you do day to day and still stay sane.

On the other hand, I am sure you were a great teacher too. Is the stress worth it at the end? Is the higher salary worth the daily angst?

I hope you find the answers you need this year. Life is way to short to wake up and not love what your doing.

Either way you look at it, there will always be crazy ass parents and goofy ass kids to blog about. :)

Enjoy the rest of this short week!

Lakeland Jo said...

I really enjoyed this post ( it cheered me up - I liked the crossing out bits), and will come back to your blog again. Hope today is better.

mo.stoneskin said...

At least the local TV viewers got to witness an air-drying demonstration. That has to be a plus right?

Beth said...

Chris - Yeah, the pay cut is a big deal.

Brian - It is over! :)

The Bus Driver - I didn't even tell you guys about the parent who got caught living in another school district and the lunchroom escapades...

Chief - I have a great lady who runs interference for me, too. I probably should go buy her some wine.

Em - Yay! I need a day with good Karma.

A Mom on Spin - Actually, I think I was more serious than ever.

beth - Me, too!

Hit 40 - The kids were fine. It was the adults who made me batty.

sun lover - See... you think like I do. Either job will give me plenty of blog fodder!

Lakeland Jo - And welcome!

mo - Now that you mention it, probably so.

Mike said...

I have had oppurtunities to just strictly be a supervisor, basically, I would just drive around and check on crews and handle little problems, but I turned it down to do what I do. I love working heavy machinery. Sometimes you have to do what you like best, even if the money is not as good. (As long as you can make it financially).

Anonymous said...

And to think....I was questioning just last week whether I should go into administration.

I hope today is better for you!

Jan said...

OMG, you poor thing! I don't know if I'd be capable of your fortitude - I would most definitely be standing up and saying, "My name is Jan, and I'm a..."

Poor crazy woman, that's what I'd be.

Mango Girl said...

Only you can answer your own question...like Braja said, that picture says it all...speaks volumes!

Deb said...

Hi ~ Interesting that I have a friend who is a school principal and who is often heard wondering the same thing. I could never do what administrators do on a day to day basis - and I am sure that your hair looked just fine!

CiCi said...

This is an eye opener for a granny like me. I did not know the stress and horrors an elementary school principal deals with constantly. It is a good thing you can vent on your blog. Whatever did teachers and principals do before blogs?

Unknown said...

You have a wise husband Beth.

The Peach Tart said...

Hugs and my heart goes out to you.

Debbie said...

I can't imagine what this week was like with all the uproar over that speech. What a pity.
And sometimes a change is what is needed:)

k said...

Poor Mr. Matter of Fact. So sad.

Sorry for your hellish day. Ugh. I don't know how you put up with all those people. Somehow I think I may have similar battles in the coming years (albeit I'll pass them on to the principal). :)

Unindicted Co-Conspirator said...

Ok, so Obama's speech didn't come off like he was trying to have oral sex with second-graders. But, you must agree that parents should be able to protect their children from dangers only the whack-job parents fear. Otherwise, we're out on that slippery slope where students in Kansas might have to hear scientific "theories" about how dinosaurs and people didn't occupy the planet concurrently.

Wendi said...

Our principal had a rough weekend with the Obama thing, too. And come to think of it, she had a bad hair day yesterday, too. Must be an occupational hazard.

followthatdog said...

I'm sick of the hype around the Obama speech. I'm sorry it made life harder for people who are already working too hard for too little pay. And the controversial message from our President? Work hard, stay in school. Wow. So stupid to make it a political issue. I'm sorry it exploded for you.

A Free Man said...

It is really the media that gins this stuff up isn't it? A couple of wingnuts or loons get an issue in their craw and then call up a news outlet. Before you know it, America looks like Yahooland.

Anonymous said...

wow a celebrity amongst us! :)

so why don't you?

bernthis said...

I gotta tell you, I laughed so hard at the hair incident b/c it is always on the day I see the cutest guy ever that I am wearing sweatpants with no make up on

Hit 40 said...

Keep your head held high!!! Your doing a great job even though it seems like no one appreciates you. Barbie Sticker girl would miss you.