Monday, February 14, 2011

He might need to worry about his gene pool

This past school year, the husband and I've learned to live with an empty nest. Having four kids in college is crazy exciting as we have no money get to live vicariously through their stories.

Somehow, I thought I'd worry less, sleep more, and regain some of the brain cells I fried in the whole mothering experiment. I couldn't have been further from the truth.

A few weeks ago, in an attempt to gain a nomination for mother of the year I randomly decided to order some surprises for my son who is living in a snow bound hell Connecticut.

Here is a reenactment of the conversation I had with myself whilst trying to determine what to order:

"Let's see.... What would be a good surprise for a strapping young man relegated to indoor activities such as reading? Hmmmm... Some Five Hour Energy might be good. I'll order a case... Oh, and some more long underwear since he is probably wearing dirty duds.... You know, over the holidays, he really seemed to like sweets... Maybe I'll get him some animal crackers..."

In hindsight, the fact that the animal crackers were called Barking Dog Animal Crackers should have been a clue to me. Yep. I sent my son dog treats as a surprise.

And, boy oh boy, was he surprised!

No wonder I never get nominated for mother of the year.


ChiTown Girl said...

That's hilarious!!! Welcome back to the Blogosphere! I hope you've been enjoying your hiatus. ;-)

Beth said...

Thanks ChiTown Girl! I've missed this place!

Anonymous said...

you're posting here!!


Diana said...'re back! I have really missed your blog!

Lori said...

LOL Sounds like something I would've wondered about glad you posted...I've missed reading your words too. :)

Surfie said...

Haha! I've actually heard some people like the taste of dog biscuits. I'm not inclined to find out for myself what they taste like though. :)

Brian Miller said...

haha...that is awesome...i guess the question is was he hungry enough to try them...smiles.

Brenda Susan said...

Haha! Love it! I am positive that the mythical Mother of the Year Award is probably a very ugly thing anyway!!

Unknown said...

Priceless Beth, just priceless! Made me giggle out loud.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CiCi said...

Whatever you send, it will surely let your son know you are thinking him. My son lives in Hawaii and I live in Nebraska and I send him little things here and there and emails just to let him know that the miles don't change or lessen a mom's love. Keep it up, and I know how you are feeling about the adjustment to empty nest.

Deborah said...

LOL ... so funny!

Chris said...

The real question is, did he notice?

k said...

Classic!! I love it!!! Glad ur back here!! I missed you!

Unknown said...

That's pretty funny! Glad you're back!

leslie (crookedstamper) said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHHA! And welcome back!

Carma Sez said...

Way to go -- it's the thought that counts - and I bet he was delighted with the long undies so much so that he has already forgotten about the treats.

Hope you are having a splendid school year!

Anonymous said...

We here in snow bound hell (Connecticut) would much rather eat dog treats than venture out to the store. I think you're surprise gift was just fine!

(And if he ate them you'd know he was at the end of his supplies, and you should send more. By rescue dog - dog gets a cut.)


followthatdog said...

I've missed you!!!! And I think it is awesome that you sent your son dog treats. I still occasionally slip up and say I'm taking mine to the vet.

Mrsbear said...

Shaggy always seemed to like them. Did they make his coat shiny?

cbeck said...

This had me laughing really hard! My wife tried to pass a dog treat off to me as a cookie (it actually looked and even smelled like a vanilla creme cookie) but the suppressed grin on her face gave it away.

The Caring Cleaner said...

Love the animal crackers. sort of thing I would do.

I'm also passing the rules for accepting this award:

* Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
* Tell us seven things about yourself.
* Pass along the award to fifteen newly discovered bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

Exchange host said...

That's just so hilarious! Was fun reading you! Happy Easter

Carolyn said...

Hilarious! What a very funny post!

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