Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer is over

When your three weeks is up summer is over, you are supposed to ease back into work. Right?!

Why didn't the memo get to the right people?

Just for craps and giggles They sent us back to work a week before our secretaries. Don't they know who really runs the school? I tried enrolled over 30 new students in 3 days! And we aren't even going to talk about the phone because I promise I could just chunk that cell phone and not miss it one bit.

And while these phones were ringing and the people were in the office enrolling their kids, a new wall was being built. Right outside of the front office. Have I ever told you about how much saws and drills make my teeth hurt? No?

In addition, this past week of craziness coincided with a new business venture for my husband. Vending machines! While the honey buns may rock they are totally not worth half the days caloric allotment. And being the nice wife, I went out to help load the twenty something machines they have put in this one business.

This I did on a Friday evening. The day before the 5K on Saturday.

After working like dogs, we got home and ate pizza around 9 p.m.

I'll spare you the details but I have learned that pizza at bedtime a few hours before you run is NOT a good idea. Don't let anyone tell you any differently.

On a positive note, I did my best time ever - 36:09. Maybe hurking up pizza isn't so bad after all.

I'll leave you with a sign I found the other day in a convenience store. I have to admit, it is kind of nice to think that some men were trying to get more in touch with their feminine side.


Anonymous said...

already back to work? J has one more month before school starts and I'm getting kinda bummed- I'm loving having her around.

I hear those vending machine ventures can be quite lucrative...I have 2 friends who own that type of business- good luck!

Hit 40 said...

I had been pondering being a principal..

I think I like my 2 1/2 months off better. I would definitely bribe that secretary to come back to work early with a little $$ under the table and a few free lunches. Maybe, the district could give the secretaries a little flex time?? This way they could be there for the crazy summer move ins.

Oh snap!!! This would just make too much sense for the district to pay for!!

cheatymoon said...

Yet more confirmation for me to never go into administration...

Goodness gracious, Beth. Congrats on the race, but I think you need some more down time. When do the kids come back??

k said...

Oh man! As a principal you only get 3 weeks off!!???!! That's not nearly enough time.

Congrats on your new PR. I'm anxious to run this coming Saturday and see how I do. Maybe I'll have some Pizza on Friday night too and it will help me. said...

I just finished up three years as the director of a school. (Something I vowed I would NEVER do, but I did it anyway.) Now I'm going back into the classroom in the fall and am enjoying my first summer off in three years. What a relief! So, I know exactly what you're talking about and send my condolences... although I'm still giddy about no longer being in that situation myself.

Looking forward to reading more tales of adventure from you!

Mike said...

I was at K-Mart, and the urge to go to the bathroom really hit me,REALLY! if you know what I mean! I ran through the store looking for the restroom! I ran into the bathroom and hit the stall running, as I was "unloading"(LOL) I noticed the persons feet in the stall next to me, especially since the person had small feet and pink sneakers! OMG, was I in the ladies room? Did I see a urinal? I did not remember, I was sweating it! What if I left the stall and some lady was standing there? I had to make my move, I started to dash out and that is when I saw the urinal! I never thought that a urinal would be a sight for sore eyes, but I still wonder about why some dude was wearing pink sneakers!?

CiCi said...

You really really wanted to get the run over with in record time, huh. I still can't imagine running. But today I did get out and walk for 45 minutes. I am figuring it out that once a week is not enough. Duh. So will have to walk briskly at least 5 days a week. That's the goal. But about the restrooms, at my work we "just run into the mens room" if the womens is occupied which it usually is so it should be okay for the men as well if they can catch it empty ever.

Rosaria Williams said...

I worked a year-round schedule and we were always enrolling and graduating. I took a day here, a week there. Never enough time off. If you work it out, you make just pennies over your old teaching job. Let nobody forget that!

Brian Miller said...

sometimes us guys need that extra little reminder. lol. glad the run went well, hurking pizza and all. schools back already...aug 18th here...L is not ready for summer to be over yet.

Everyday Goddess said...

I blame the unisex potty idea on Allie McBeal.

Nice time on your run!! I get tired driving 5k.

Anonymous said...

Your pizza comment so just made my partners 'lovely' dinner return ... Will pop back later to read the rest!

Pseudo said...

My principal, who I love working for, retired this year. They still have not announced who is replacing him and I go back to work in a week.

Chris said...

Oh, Beth, I'm right with you. I was secretaryless this past week and it was not fun. Add the fact that because of budget issues we haven't even done our final staffing yet (and school starts August 10), and the college course I'm teaching (for the first time) starts in a week and a half, I'm ad Stresscon 1 right now.

But the secretary comes back Monday, so there's that.

JennyMac said...

The lav pic made me laugh out loud!

Carma Sez said...

"Don't they know who really runs the school?" I always love your take on things :D pointing out the truths when you see 'em

Jason, as himself said...

Your summer is already over?

That is why you get paid the big bucks! :)

I have two more weeks.

Anonymous said...

Yuck! And yes, I was taught in school that the secretaries and custodians run the school so be nice to them and buy them Christmas gifts. I actually had a professor tell me this. And so I do.
Sorry you're back to work.

Beth said...

Mrs. K - You are a great mom! Most parents are ready for school to start so they can pawn off the little beasts.

Hit40 - One day, I want to go back to teaching. And you are right about the district having logical ideas.

Only a movie - Erin, believe it or not, running feels like down time because I get to destress. The kids come back on August 5th - which will be when the fun begins.

K13 - 3 weeks was great since last year I didn't even get 2 weeks. It is all in perspective. Thanks on the congrats! And eat some pizza the night before your race - but eat it earlier in the evening so you have digestion time. I can't wait to hear how you do!

CatLadyLarew - I'm still trying to figure out who to blame for getting me into administration. I seriously want to go back to teaching one day. Maybe when the kids get through with college.

otin - I'm going to be on the lookout for the dude with pink sneakers. And it totally could have been a woman. I've used the men's room tons of times because there isn't a line.

TechnoBabe - Way to go on walking! I started off walking, too. And I'm with you on the use of the men's room. They don't have nearly the line build up.

lakeviewer - YOU ARE RIGHT! I just did some calculations and I am almost making minimum wage. Not fair!

Brian Miller - I totally understand not wanting summer to be over yet. Totally!

Comedy Goddess - I forgot about Allie McBeal! Didn't she get flushed?

Eternally Distracted - Oops! My bad! Sorry about that sensitive gag reflex.

Pseudo - I wish it were going to be me! I could get used to living in Hawaii.

Chris - I knew you'd feel my pain. Congrats on the college course! I'll bet you are a blast in the classroom. I've thought about adjuncting, too. Let me know how it goes.

JennyMac - Taking the picture was almost as funny as the sign. Glad you enjoyed it.

carma - I'm no fool. The secretaries and custodians know far more than I do about the shenanigans going on in the building.

Jason - Ha! If by big bucks you mean almost minimum wage, then, yes, I am making the big bucks.

Jules - You are a wise teacher! And I do treat my secretaries and custodians like the kings and queens they are.

Debbie said...

I am not ready for school to start back! I need my kiddos around longer.

bernthis said...

I have two words for u. Acid reflux. No pizza b4 bed if u are over the age of 25

Michel said...

Summer can't be over!! IT CAN'T! I'm not ready for it to be over!

I didn't even get any summer break!

Oh wait...I'm not in school anymore. I've been ROBBED!

Do kids have to re-enroll every year? Why do YOU have to do that? Can't you claim that you are too importanty??

Beth said...

Debbie - You are a great mom! I can tell.

bernthis - It was acid reflux extraordinaire! And the experience will slow down my pizza craving. I hope.

Michel - Somehow, I suspect you were an interesting kid to teach. Only kids who have moved have to enroll. The rest (hopefully) roll up to the next grade level automatically. And there is no job at school that I can't do. I can even wear a hair net (and I have before, too).

Tuesday Girl said...

Some of us never get a summer vacation.

Jan said...

They sent you back to work without your secretary???? I'm sorry, that's just WRONG.

Coffee ice cream right before bed isn't the best idea in the world, either. Beloved and I spent an hour with the jitters before we could fall asleep.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

I remember when I started student teaching....the first tip my supervising teacher gave me was, "Don't ever piss off the secretary. Oh, and if you ever need to know anything major, ask the secretary first. She runs the place in an underground sort of way."

I'll never forget that, and I found after a few weeks that it was pretty much the truth. Ease back into your crazy work schedule! Don't work too hard! :) Congrats on your PR! You're going on the WDW trip with K13, right? I'm thinking about going, a cheerleader. :)

Theresa said...

Glad I'm not a Principal like you and Chris. I'm having sympathy pains for Chris. The start of school is always stressful, but this year more than usual because of our wonderful State budget.

Good luck with your school year!!

Fragrant Liar said...

Back to work already? Geez, I thought you guys lucked out with a healthy LONG summer. No?

A Free Man said...

How is your summer over? It's the middle of July? When do kids go back to school these days?

followthatdog said...

I feel for you. I hope your school year is easier than the week without secretaries. That's brutal.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

*Note to self* Eat pizza before the big run for better times. Check. (Not that these knees are running anywhere anytime soon)

Captain Dumbass said...

Men's restroom? Oh, am I ever embarrassed now.

Kulio said...

hahaha...the restroom pic is classic.

Secretaries are probably underpaid!!

Can't believe it's all starting already...

Chris said...

Hi again, Beth. I've given you an award over at my place. Come see!