Dear Pushy Company Rep,
The next time you want to provide lunch for my faculty so you can peddle hand out your information, please bring more than 6 pizzas for my faculty of 85. And when I point out that you don’t have enough food, it would behoove you to act like you care because it really wasn’t my responsibility to go buy more food.
And don’t have the pizza place cut the slices and then cut each slice in half again. That makes you look cheap and it is insulting to us
because, hello!, we can tell you are a real jerk.
There is a big difference between lunch and appetizers.
We do, however, appreciate your boss who understood our point of view. And we will try not to rub salt in the wound when you come back by on Friday with your tail tucked delivering breakfast for everyone. And by everyone, that means 85 hungry people.
Still craving pizza,
P.S. I don’t think this helped you land any sales. Just sayin’.
kinda defeats the purpose of bringing them in the first place...sales people! sheesh!
Ha! You told him... bet he doesn't learn though!
okay this is totally unacceptable. let's just hope he doesn't show up with 20 bagels, cut into 1/4ths!
Unbelievable, 6 pizzas for 85 people!!! Let's hope he doesn't bring 85 donut holes for the breakfast!
Dear Mr. Rep,
BTW, You'll want to add mimosas for that breakfast sales pitch otherwise I can't guarantee your continued health.
Staff Security
This really astounds me, because many years ago, I managed a retail bakery; we were just blocks from a huge medical complex that included Southwestern Medical School, Parkland Memorial Hospital and Children's Hospital in Dallas. I dealt with TONS of sales reps from the pharmaceutical industry and let me tell you, they would NEVER have pulled a stunt like that.
And I'm betting he didn't make many sales that day. Sheeeeesh!
Tell them girlfriend.
6 pizzas! Really???? We just had a birthday party for my 8 year old last night. 14 people attended and we had 6 pizza's! UNBELIEVABLE !!!!
So the sales pitch was supposed to include lunch for all employees? His mishap sure brought lots of negative publicity his way, didn't it? Maybe even from his own boss. Now I want to hear how the breakfast goes.
I hope that these were not the same people eating the pizza who dissed your hubby last year? If that is the case, then I don't feel bad if they went hungry! :)
I guess they do not know how to count or get the correct pizza for such a crowd. Maybe the learned something. Thanks for stopping by...
You tell 'em!
Too funny. I just ordered $3K worth of stuff from a crappy sales rep. His fax machine didn't work, he didn't respond to any emails and then he kept calling me and getting frustrated that I couldn't talk to him during the day (while I was teaching). And he made commission? Sheesh
Brian - My husband is in sales. I know how they are supposed to act.
Pippa - Some old dogs can't be taught new tricks.
Deb - Ha! I've already checked on the order. 85 breakfast sandwiches from Chic-Fil-A. Yay!
Jane - I agree! And if there are only donut holes, I'm eating them all.
Michele - Mimosas at school! It would be a great day.
Jan - He didn't make any sales. But now I want bakery items!
Peach Tart - You are the best!
sun lover - See?! He waaay underestimated.
TechnoBabe - He called to find out how many employees and wanted me to tell them he was bringing lunch. I'll keep you posted on the breakfast.
otin - I love that you are always on our team!
Aunt Juicebox - :)
Amy - They probably could have used a lesson in basic Kindergarten math.
Kristina - I tried.
Erin - We may be in the wrong field.
Not a good start.
Do you have a standby order for bacon egg and cheese sandwiches ready somewhere?
ohhhh, ridiculous!!!
So silly, don't people have common sense about, of all things, food???
Feed me, I will buy something from you.
Sounds like he's a poor planner!
I've always noticed that the price put in on a pizza meal is far more than what my 2 piece allotment should cost!
Don't ya hate those goobers? You'd think he'd have called ahead to ask how much pizza he'd need.
Ah well.
You gotta spend some maney to make some money... someone forgot to tell the guy that.
We had something like this happen once. We are a small office so a lot of food was not necessary........except when the rep brings his boss and they eat more than 50% of what they brought before the staff has a chance. Good for you to point it out. I would love to know what he will have to say when he brings breakfast.
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