Dear Kindergarten Mom,
I really don't know how to gently lead into this one... so, just smile.
Today, there was a commotion in the cafeteria, and one of my teacher assistants went to check out what was going on and to settle our darlings down...when your son turned and looked at her with what looked like dried blood coming out of his nose. Before you panic, I want you to think, "what did I put in his lunch today?"
Yep, your precious boy shoved some raisins up his nostrils...both sides...about three each. He was encouraged him to blow them the hell out get them out and finally, after blowing hard, the intruders were dislodged. No harm, no foul. Your son and I spoke about the dangers of shoving things up noses and why this is not a smart thing to do.
I probably shouldn't add this, but it made us giggle all day...when the teacher assistant came back to get the raisins in a napkin to throw away, they were gone. Yep, you are probably guessing right on that one too.
This is just one of the reasons why I love kindergarten. You may want to reinforce the no sticking things up noses conversation. Please remember to laugh because it will all pass too quickly and he will be grown.
But this will be a great story to revive at his wedding.
Have a great evening!
up hees nose it goes...
Beth,I'm not proud of this, but I once carried around a Barbie Shoe, up there, for a good part of the day...
Peace ~ Rene
What is it with little kids and sticking stuff up their noses? It does make for a wonderful story though. Thanks for the morning chuckle.
When one of my brothers was about 5, he had been having a hard time breathing for several weeks so my mom took him to our pediatrician. He had a pencil eraser up one nostril and it had been there so long, it had started growing some kind of fungus!
We still tease him about that.
This story simultaneously tickled me to death and grossed me out.
I never had a student stick anything up their nose besides their finger.
I love that you reminded the parent to laugh. xo
This is great. I just emailed this link to my brother-in-law who has been teaching first grade about twenty five years. I know he can relate to this post.
lol. that was sister was in the 7th grade when magnetic ear rings became cool and since my mom would only let her have one set of real ear rings at the time she invested. riding the bus one day she thought it would be cool to have a nose ring, then one on each side. cool, until the magnets clapped together inside her nose and started a massive nose bleed. they could not get them out at school because they became so slick...
thanks fo the laugh and the memory...
Ha!! That is hilarious! It's things like this that help get you through the day...I'm looking forward to being in the schools come January!!
Kids...they do the most special of things.
LOL!! Reminds me of when my son stuck a marble up his nose. The doctor who had to extract it thought it was quite humorous.
I stuck little pegs from the Battleship game up my nose. More than once. My mom and grandma always plucked them out with tweezers. I have no idea why I did it because that hurt.
When I was about that age, I got an apple seed stuck up my nose. I thought I was going to have an apple tree grow out of me.
I LOVE this! :)
My son stuck a huge wad of paper towel up his nose recently and had to go to Urgent Care to get it out. :) It was a messy ordeal.
God Bless You! There is not enough money in print to get me to stay with K's all day! I do love to hear about other's experiences though! LOL
You must have a ton of great stories! My sister teaches elementary school and she has some great ones.
Raisins. That's a new one. I've dealt with coins, marbles, crayons . . . those little buggers will jam anything up there.
NEVER a boring moment!
Best story ever....I laughed so hard a little bit of tea shot out of nose. Strangely appropriate for this story.
Hilarious and then......Ewwwww.......but still hilarious!
I always liked my boogers without raisins! haha
I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND KIDS and I'm more inclined to understand why some wild animals eat their young. lol
EWWWWW!!! Kids are so freaking nasty.
My son stuck a piece of chalk up his nose. His very tiny nose . After much panic ,by the time my sister drove across town to bring me some tweezers the chalk had melted a bit and I was able to de-chalk his nose.
I don't think he ever put anything up his nose after that.
Kids are a riot:)
Thanks for the snorting giggle!
Definitely not a phone call that I got!!! GROSS!!!
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