We found several sharks' teeth. You know what that means, don't you? That's right! Sharks don't take care of their teeth. My dentist should totally lay off the 'flossing after every meal' soapbox. There are probably hundreds of sharks who could benefit from her services.
I'm going to recommend she go to help out.
Ungrateful wretches, they should have built a sand castle with you. They own you because of that whole birth thing. LOL! Sounds like you had a nice time anyway.
How nice to have a weekend at the beach. I am sure it came much needed after your busy school year and your recent phone call from your aunt. Building sand castles are the best fun at the beach...hope you built one anyways!
A day at the beach can really clear the head and, sometimes, the heart. Hope it was this way for you.
Did you go to Tybee? I miss Tybee!
I heard that Sharks don't bother taking care of their teeth because they are trying to tempt the tooth fairies so that they can eat them. Of course, it could just be a myth.
Love that photo - looks like a sneak attack. Hope you had a lovely time...
Michele - Hilarious! I was actually impressed that the boys would come hang out at the beach with me. We swam in the high surf on the rocks for about two hours and all acted like kids! It was so amazingly fun.
smiles4u - My friends had little kids (4, 2, and 1). They were more than willing to build sand castles with me. :)
Jane - I love Tybee but we weren't there. We were at Sea Island - and I love that beach, too! My friend's family has a beach house there with 7 bedrooms so we can all load the house up with people for an amazing weekend. Did you have fun in Atlanta?
mo.stoneskin - I'll bet it is true. When my boys had their wisdom teeth pulled last summer, the tooth fairy didn't come. She was probably eaten by a shark.
Erin - I did sneak up on them just sitting on the rocks talking. Sometimes they act like they hate each other then other times I find them in deep conversation.
Oh such fun!! Especially the swimming part (notice I'm ignoring the sharks, per usual) - what a great time with your boys.
We're leaving for the Destin area this week. I'm about to explode from the excitement. I'll make sure to build a castle in your honor - drip? or formed?
Em - You are too sweet! My favorites are the dripped ones. That may speak volumes about me....
Humpf, Sharks! You never can count on them to be good brushers!
Beautiful photo! I am sure that your whole family have a lovely time.
Sorry your Aunt passed. And even more sorry that they lost contact with you after your father passed. I am glad that you have moved on. It's a tough life lesson to understand the sometimes a family member just doesn't really want to "be" a family.
just what were they nibbling on that made them loose their teeth...LOL
Great pictures, I have a been 3 miles from my house...Haven't acutally walked on that beach in probably ten years! Although I drive along the side of it all the time...even though it is not the same drive since Katrina!
I lived in Florida on the beach...so the beach in Mississippi is just not the same as the one in Florida...nothing beats that water-except for the carribbean or bahamas or ...lol anywhere except Mississippi, all our islands out there keep our water from being crystal blue!
LMAO - I feel pretty much the same way about dentists.
I just tell mine "I don't floss, don't nag me about it" when I go in. It's worked so far. But yeah, they should go nag the sharks instead.
What a teeth tragedy!
I've always suspected sharks didn't floss, but I couldn't prove it - and couldn't find anyone to back me up on my theory.
Thank you Beth!
I'm going to go floss now. It's what separates us from them....and I'm scared of them.
But where there are sharks teeth there are sharks..right? Yikes!
Michel-you are scared to death of everything..but cake, lil debbies LOL...sorry Beth...just had to come back and say it like it is!
Don't they have an endless supply of teeth? If they lose one another one grows right back again? And again?
I just gave up one of my own! Maybe a shark will find it!
Sharks are just not good role models any more!
Did you make matching shark tooth neclaces for the family?
I've heard sharks are also anti-novocaine. I'm sure your dentist will be happy to hear that when it's time for her to perform a shark root canal.
And they don't touch sugar! What a crock, telling us that sugar will destroy our teeth. Ah!
they use people as floss, or so I thought. Don't tell the Dental Maven about this, she's not going to be happy with them
Sharks are now losing their teeth because humans are mostly fat and full of sugar which is bad for shark teeth. We used to be more muscular and full of fiber. EAT HEALTHY, SAVE A SHARK'S MOLAR
Yeahk, well, when you eat Volkswagen mufflers, license plates, and all sorts of random flotsam and jetsam, dental problems are bound to ensue.
Glad you had fun!
Wow, you don't think much of your dentist, do you? Most are pretty much sadists anyway :)
Hi ~ Love the pic of your boys - nice that you caught that moment when they were having a heart to heart talk. Too funny about the sharks. You should make a necklace - the students would love it!
Beth, visit this blog and read the therapist needed post, it seems that you may be able to help her with some school issues, she is a teacher!
Oh I love the beach, never go though, too dang far. Oh well. Tough luck for the sharks, never liked 'em much anyway. Did I mention that I hate going in the water? Uh huh.
Take us to the beach next time!!!
I wanna go to the beach!!!!!
ROFL. Loved this post. Glad you had a great time. Nothin better than the beach!
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