Their imagination is often big and bizarre. And I love it!
This was the conversation at the 5K the other day.
Mr. Happy: "Oh, look. I think that is the dude who works at the Bingo place." (What!?)
Me: "You play Bingo?"
Mr. Happy: "Well, yeah. It is a lot of fun and you can win money."
Me: "Are there other people your age? And have you won any money?"
Mr. Happy: "Just my friend and I go and we haven't won anything yet but I did help this old lady once when she didn't realize she had Bingo already."
So, while some kids are playing video games or sneaking alcohol out of their parent's liquor cabinet, my son is playing the Bingo. With little old ladies.
Mr. Funny will be going to an Honor's Program this summer for 6 weeks and he is getting so excited about getting all his stuff together. He'll be living on a college campus in a dorm surrounded by other
As he was gathering the items on his packing list, Mr. Funny suddenly turned to me and asked (with excitement), "Should I take my horse mask?"
Me: "You have a horse mask?"
Mr. Funny: "Yeah. I keep it in the car just in case." (In case of what?!)
All I could do was stare and then laugh.
And hell yeah, he should take it!
Oh, I love your kid. Before mine wandered over to the dark side, he was quirky that way. He may emerge as a quirky funny one yet.
My brother used to go to Bingo when he was 18.
Have a fabulous day, Beth!
Horse mask? What, just a horse's head? I need to get one of those and wear it to Bingo, freak out some old ladies...
YES! Mr. Funny is great! I hope he has a blast there. What an amazing opportunity for him. You must be so proud. Definitely, let him take the horse mask. HAve him also get a picture with thie bingo ladies while wearing it as well. THAT would be hilarious
Mr. Funny is way cool, I'm so proud of him for you!
The horse mask comment brought to mind a wire horse head I had as a souvenier from the amateur play Equs (I know I'm not spelling that right but not awake enough to look it up) decades ago. It was a really cool horse's head!
I love the things that come out of kids mouths. Glad to know it doesn't stop when they get older!
p.s. I got your story - thanks! I'll let you know when I'm going to post it.
ROFLMAO - oh, your kids would get along SO well with my kids.
A horse's head always comes in handy! I admire your son's reasoning.
re the previous post.
Some teachers are real BABIES and mean with it.
Sad sad. I was never an administrator...thank God. Children are easier to deal with.
Silly anecdote:
some years ago I gave out an 'anonymous' survey to my graduating seniors.
I was really upset when one came back saying 'shows favoritism'
all the others were lovely
I sort of worked out whose paper it was
went up to large sweet Sean and put my arm round him
"I'm so sorry you feel this way. Who do you think my favorites are?"
Big grin.
"We is ALL your favorites, Mrs.Schmid!"
Pity the grammar lessons didn't sink in too, though I'll take character over literacy any day!
Maybe some of the weasels misunderstood your survey too.
LOL too funny and yes I love what the kids say too. Cracks me up all the time. I heard bingo was fun but I myself have never been. Who has time for a social life I can barely keep up with all you bloggers out there! Dammit I want to go play bingo now!
Im so glad you told him to take the horse mask! I love Mr. Funny! He's a hoot indeed!
I'm jealous. My son wants to jump off cliffs and ride dirt bikes all summer. Noteven summer school at the community college.
So, so funny.
And I LOVE Bingo. Old people rule!
Shit! I don't have a horse mask!! What if I need it!?
What's goin on?? What does he know!?!??!
Bingo with the old ladies is definitely PG fun. Sounds like you have a good kid on your hands. Thank your lucky stars--you could have ended up with a kid like me. YIKES!
I love this kid. Seriously, you did a GREAT job making a nice AND interesting person here. Congratulations.
You've have very cool kids, and chose their blog nicknames perfectly. P.S. I hope he wins big at bingo soon!
I love that kid!
That is a great story- bingo with the grannies- it doesn't get much less reckless than that!
This is too funny! I just love hearing what OTHER kids say! LOL
That's hilarious, Beth. Your narrative powers are wonderful.
In answer to your question/ comment - I use a simple Pentax K100D with an 18-125mm lens.
i just totally cracked up about the horse mask! thanks!
great funny tale...congrats on potd..
fff x
Happy to have found you through authorblog, thanks David. My children are so old now that I have forgotton all the funny things they said, when. Now they keep me amused-with their take on life as 'they' know it.
My Lord your life is fun...good for you! And congratulations on Post of the Day mention...a worthy effort to be sure!
Congrats on POTD!!!!
Mr. Funny sounds like quite the character. I have a daughter that says the most bizarre things. She just had a baby and two weeks afterward was sitting on one of my wooden kitchen chairs holding aforementioned baby and she said, "My butt meat hurts!"
LOL your children scare me....please don't move next door!
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