So, this Tuesday, the tribute goes out to the children of the world (particularly the ones at my school because they are the cutest, most charming, and smartest ones). Because where else but an elementary school can you be entertained by the things the short people say. And check out what they can write.

Such raw honesty. Not everyone on a journey will admit to shitting a bear. And the good news... he didn't die. If I had shit a bear, I probably would have died. Right there on the toilet. Kind of like Elvis.
The bear needs a long hot bath after it :)
I like what the short people have to say, too!
That reminds me of a t=shirt I saw this weekend, an Asian knock off...
Elvis is dead
Sinatra is dead
And me I'm feeling also not so good.
Gold, my friend. I had a thought to start posting quote of the day from my classroom. But nothing comes close to that.
The tribute concept is intriguing too. May have to jump on board one of these days.
Have fun at school.
omg! That is amazing! I have to pass that on!
cute blog!
That is just too funny. Kids are amazingly humorous without even trying.
Have a happy day
I too consider it a good trip when I dont end up dying! : ) Kids are too cute!
ok, this is hysterical. great tribute. i woke up panicked that i didn't have a tribute, either. and i STILL don't. not good.
But did he shit in the woods!?
I've always wondered the answer to that question.
Yeah for not dieing!
Love it.
And btw, you may want to cover with him that when he shits a bear, it means he in ingesting too much sugar. Not gonna detail how I know, it just ties in well with my post about conversation hearts today.
GREAT tribute!!
Kids...they really keep us going. I think I have to checkout the tribute thing.
Can't wait for this kid's blog!
hahaha....oh man, that is priceless.
Shitting bears are no fun. The claws are a bitch. And he probably didn't die because he had Tucks medicated pads.
Nah, I shit bears all the time, you can't die from that... I mean not unless you're a wussy!
Classic!! Although when I first read it I thought it said that I shit a bean. Which is not nearly as interesting as shitting a bear.
Also, any day that I don't die is a fun day in my book!
Ha! I thought it said what HeatherPride wrote. Your reading of it is much more funny.
Kids say the darndest things!
Maybe shitting a bear would be preferable to humoring an irate teacher who feels the need to unload on her principal!! (not that they do that, ever)
You are very funny!!
Laughing...too...hard...crying...ohforgod' a bear?! Bwahahahaha! :D
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