We have a friend who likes to say when you can't find a wife, then you should just raise one. He IS a few years older than his wife (who was born the same year I got my driver's license). But isn't age just a number? Once you get beyond holding up your fingers, most people just don't give a shit about the actual number.
My husband is a
lot few years older than me. Other than his gray hair and music taste, you'd never know. Well, and those conversations about our memory of Disney World opening in Florida. I was in Kindergarten. He was
smoking pot and going to college.
So, this
Monday Tuesday Tribute is for you, Mr. Strong.
The man who made this headboard with my step-father from an old door and two old columns. I love it! And the best part was hearing about the conversation you had to endure with dear, old dad. But he was right, wasn't he? The extra
glue support from routing out the columns to snuggly fit the door in does keep it from wiggling.
Geez. What a conversation to have with your father-in-law.

And the same man who made this
ridiculous cute little conversation starter of a table. I actually do think it is
hilarious cool that you used to wear those colorful hightops.

Let's take a minute to appreciate the finer qualities of this unique tv stand made from old doors, glass shelving, and wood scraps from the garage. You are as
cheap resourceful as you are creative.

And while I know it must
frustrate humor you to have to deal with my lack of decorating sense, I was
appalled that you'd get rid of a perfectly good traverse rod impressed by the funky curtain rod you made from bamboo cut from the neighbor's yard and random metal rings found in a bin at Home Depot.

And what an artist you
would like to imagine you are! After drying the flowers and restringing several chandeliers, this piece made its presentation on our bedroom wall. Who wouldn't be impressed with the title, "Oh shit, it looks like rain. I think I'll have a drink."?

I've never really known
how to keep from crying over what to say about this little duckling who stays on top of a column in our living room. It
was a
REAL duckling. And I thought Jews didn't stuff animals. Isn't it, like, not kosher? The poor, poor duckling. It is just creepy. In a cute kind of way.

One of the reasons I
was suckered into dating you fell in love with you was the way loved your daughters. And when they expressed their feelings for you, I love that you framed it.

Thanks for being my biggest encourager. At the risk of sounding cheesy, you heal me.
OK you won't believe this, but the bamboo curtain rod is in my house too....I just put it up a few days ago, with some wrought iron huge hooks. I love things like that. I also love the old window frame work of art...resourceful is the word :)
Wow. What a resourceful fellow you've found there! Sorry, but I laughed pretty hard at the door shelving unit. What a nut! ;)
You've got yourself a very creative man, it seems.
I love the leg table. Sort of reminds me of the infamous leg lamp on The Christmas Story.;)
I love that door shelf thing! But you dont have to tell him that : )
Love love love the framed cards from his kids!
ok, I don't love all those pieces but several of them are amazing and made from scraps. Sorry but that is cool
What a sweet post! Other than the, um, rat-eating thing.
Aw, hell, I like that part, too.
Sounds like you have quite a guy but that duckling.....Ewwwwwwwww!
Wow! I'm speechless. Mr. Strong's a very creative fellow. Lucky you!
Wicked resourceful and sweet, Beth. Nice tribute!
I love everything, except for maybe the duckling. Eek.
that is adorable... you are so lucky to have someone that can "make things". that bamboo rod is super cool, and i love the tv armoire. give that man a big ol kiss.
I really like all of those things. Does that mean I should worry about myself?
I'd hang on to a man like that:)
hahaha...oh that last pic seals the deal for me...he is a KEEPER.
The card from the kids...that is priceless that he framed it! And you HAVE to give us the how-to on that leg table. I soooooo want one for my front porch. BEG him please to give me instructions...it is killing me how cute that is!!! You are a lucky lady being married to such a handy guy...and I love that he is in to decorating...well except for the dead duck.
If you ever want to get rid of the table and the duck, I'll take them. Really, I will.
Mr. Strong rocks.
I ran and got my husband and asked him if he could please make me a coffee table just like that one! You can keep the duckling though! I am in the process of making curtains for my new grandbabies nursery - and my daughter wants the curtain rod make from a branch. So I found the perfect branch and my son lovingly carved it for her. Let's just say it was wicked cool looking - until my dog found it laying on the floor and she chewed the end off of it! Yikes. So out to the woods I go again looking for the perfect branch. Enjoy your day.
LOL!! That's hysterical! I love the sign from the kids most of all! Too funny! Love it!
hoo me, beth! that mr. strong is resourceful! a tad creepy with the little duck, but plenty resourceful everywhere else.
i hope that, one day, my daughter writes me a box like mr. strong's daughters wrote him. awesome. (of course, i'm passive aggressive, so i'll most likely retaliate by making whichever foods are her least favorite for dinner every night for one week...or more, if she ends up one of those odd picky eaters).
the pants table made me SMILE. but i'm glad it's at your house. :-)
You're a lucky gal. And that card is priceless!
Just stopping over from halftime lessons on tuesdays tribute.. love your blog! I am still laughing about your tribute today! Thanks for the laugh!
How talented is he? Awesome stuff!
Ok, we need to talk about that duckling.
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