Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When one door closes…

On one hand, I love spring.  After winter’s harsh weather, the warm breezes and the blooming trees and shrubs breathe new life into me.
On the other hand, spring is the season where I wait to hear from the Superintendent’s office as to how many teaching positions my school earns and how many teachers will be moved.  This year is especially tense as the Superintendent has announced that due to budget restraints, positions will be cut. 
Moving teachers to different schools suddenly looks like the good old days.
I’ve never seen education have to face the cuts it is currently facing.  And the governor hasn’t quit cutting.  Nor does he seem to have his priorities in order.
The other day, I had to tell a sweet but ineffective teacher that she wouldn’t have a job next year.  I came home and cried.  While there isn’t room in the classroom for ineffectiveness, it breaks my heart to be the one to shut a door.
But when one door closes, another one opens, right?
I’ve got to believe that everything is going to be okay.  I’ve got to hang on to that thought that one bad event can open a door to a new and better opportunity.
I’ve got to believe that every thing does happen for a reason. 


cheatymoon said...

Budget woes are making people snippish and snappish up here. Writing and collecting a lot of recommendations and references.

Plus, our purse-string folk aren't always making decisions that are in the best interest of kids... ack.

I always believe there is a reason, so if I'm meant to be cut, I say bring it on (ok, maybe not so confidently).

:-) I don't know how you deal w/ being the bearer of bad news, Beth. As good a reason to blog as any - blogging as therapy, etc.

Brian Miller said...

it does and it sucks to let people go, esp in this economy...our budgets getting slashed as well...craziness...

Michele said...

I am so glad that I haven't had to make decisions like this....yet. Stay strong. It may not make sense now or even later but it will be okay.

Anonymous said...

I never like to be the bearer of bad news either...and I hate that our government has their priorities so screwed up- sigh

sorry i've been mia-i've been reading you but just been too busy with j and work to really sit and post :)

mo.stoneskin said...

I've never had to bear bad news like that, so I have no idea, but I would be pretty poor at handling it, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, our district is losing EFFECTIVE teachers. It goes by seniority. Some of the ineffective ones get to stay.

michelle said...

Since I choose to keep my head in the sand cause otherwise it would explode, I thought the cutbacks in our district were confined to... our district.

Guess not. sigh

I have a bumper sticker that says "it will be a great day when schools have all the money they need and the military has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber"


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Yeah, things are bad all over, tho some states seem worse than others. What a burden, to have to be the one bringing down the news. You have to believe other doors will open. when my part time Spec Ed job at our HS got cut 2 years ago I would never have believed I'd wind up at the library. Now it's the best job I could imagine.

Cristin said...

If I didn't believe that, I'd surely have lost my mind by now... (shut up).

darsden said...

I know that must be extremely hard and emotional for you and all involved. Prayers to you and all is all I have to offer. It's hard everywhere and that doesn't help. But know you don't stand alone!

Candice said...

I'm sorry, Beth. That has to be such a difficult job to let someone go.

Herding Cats said...

Yah, my case is the same with Jules. It doesn't matter how ineffective/effective a teacher is. It all goes with seniority. So ridiculous!

The Bus Driver said...

We're facing 6 furlough days next school year, possibly up to 10 furlough days. The schools are looking in anyway to cut the budget.. they're closing our separate pre-k school and combining/integrating the pre-k classes into the regular k-5 schools.

Sue said...

I DO believe "everything happens for a reason", but having to deliver news such as yours to another would be hard! You think your govenor is bad, I live in CA where the former "Terminator" is the gov and our teachers are losing jobs left and right. When will the big guys learn the importance of education for the little ones?? I just don't get it!
Take care, Sue

Sue said...

I DO believe "everything happens for a reason", but having to deliver news such as yours to another would be hard! You think your govenor is bad, I live in CA where the former "Terminator" is the gov and our teachers are losing jobs left and right. When will the big guys learn the importance of education for the little ones?? I just don't get it!
Take care, Sue

Kristina P. said...

I have a government job too, so I know how much this sucks.

We had a big brouhaha with our local school district, after the east side wanted to split and create their own district, and they were going o have to cute 500 positions, including 250 teachers. I actually think it was a lot of scare tactics, to get the public to realize how serious things were, but it worked! No teachers are going to be cut.

PJ said...

It's definitely tough times for everyone. I think it will be another five years or so before things settle down and I'm beginning to wonder just how much a body can take.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

But I bet you want to smack the people who say that everything happens for a reason right about now. It would get on my last nerve.

If you didn't feel what you're feeling, I'd worry about you.

Lean on those who support you and have FAITH.

CiCi said...

We all have to believe in something or we will crumble. You can only do what you have to do. The fact that you have a heart of sweet puppies and little children means you have feelings. I can feel your mixed feelings about the cuts and send you hugs to get through the tough times.

Crazy Charm said...

It is definitely not a good time to be looking for a job in education.

However, after this year, I truly believe everything happens for a reason. It keeps me going :)

Everyday Goddess said...

And that's some kind of challenge to see the bright side when there doesn't seem to be one.

Any chance the people who rule on budget cuts can do the firing? As if I didn't know the answer to that one. They are big chickens!

Chris said...

As tough as it is to let a nice teacher go, at least there was an educational reason to do so (ineffectiveness). It's much harder to layoff great teachers when crappy ones are protected by tenure.

But you know that.

k said...

That is probably the worst part of being in administration. I'm sorry that you had to do that, but indeed hopefully it opens a window for that teacher.

And I typically have a hard time in believing "everything happens for a reason" but then I find myself going back to believing in it in the end.

SheilaC said...

I am a supervisor and have to let people go as well... it is never fun!! (for either party)

BUT in the district I work in, none of the ineffective teachers seem to be let go.... and in the end it is the kids who pay the consequences. Especially in math, where one bad school year is hard to catch up...

Hang in there!

Ann Imig said...

It seems like every time I come here (which is NOT often enough, I recognize)you are grappling with one very tough decision or another.

I hope when that door opens, sunshine spills in.


Carma Sez said...

our school system is in the process of cutting 800 teaching positions. I do believe that sometimes it is for the best when something like this happens. I could be she is not suited for teaching and may stumble upon a whole 'nother career that she is better suited for. Although it sucks now.