Just saw the headlines on CNN: "This is a very angry fire" in regards to all the burning going on in California
which my grandmother used to say was going to fall off into the ocean one day. And I began to wonder. Why is it only the angry fires make the news? And are there nice fires?
It isn't but a hop, skip and jump for me to get my mind back on the parent I will have a meeting with this afternoon.
And I didn't lose any sleep over this. Those bags under my eyes are always this dark. CNN would likely call her an angry parent
but I won't bet on it as logic doesn't seem to be the strong suit of the media. And she is bringing her advocate
who is a scary *#&@.
At the very end of May, the judge expelled her son from school. The parent was given a
laundry list of things to do. The one I was most excited about was the mandatory counseling the child was to receive.
Still, I had hoped the mother would have to take some parenting classes. A girl can dream, right? As it turns out, the mother did finally do what the judge required her to do
just not in the time line MOST parents would have done it in.
Today, we meet to discuss reentering the child into school. A few of the big wigs from the School Board Office will be at the meeting
so I guess I should gussy myself up a bit.
My plan is to just sit back and let them deal with the wrath of this angry parent
because God knows I've dealt with it plenty of times over the past few years. She isn't going to like that her child will be moved to the Alternative School.
Maybe CNN can make a headline for me: "This is a very happy administrator."
As a person who avoids confrontation at all costs, I give you my deepest empathy, and permission to thrown a little Frangelico in your coffee this morning. Good Luck!
At least the Administrators can deliver the news as you dive behind your desk and take cover from the ensuing tirade.
It sounds like she's the one that needs the counseling.
It's a shame that the child was raised that way. Good luck to you
How are your ducking reflexes?
I so agree with Little Miss Blogger that the parent needs counseling and badly!
You know, I often wonder - what with all the knowledge out there so readily available to anyone - how any parent can NOT know the right way to raise their children and NOT know what to do to help them in troubled times. Do they just not care? Am I naive? I just don't get it!
You might want to take some Little Debbies under that desk with you as it sounds as if this meeting will be time consuming.
This really is sad...hopefully the mom's eye's have been opened this past summer while doing some of those things she was ordered to do?One can only hope that she is starting to "get it" now. Hope it all goes well!
I don't envy you. Perhaps if she makes a hot mess of herself, they will impose counseling on her.
Whew, you have so much to handle in your work. I would feel overwhelmed most of the time. You are a much stronger person than I am. Hope your meeting is helpful for the son as well as for the mother.
A nice fire is one in the lounge room on a cold night. With a DOOR keeping it in the burner, right?? :)))
I feel for you. I've got a relative who can get quite righteously pumped up about her "rights" and every perceived slight and it's a glorious thing to witness. :-)
Take mental notes. I'll bet there's at least one post in there!
Always a shame when a parent takes no responsibility for their childs action...she is doing a grave injustice to her child. Plus, she looks like a raving lunatic.
Goof luck!
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I don't have children, but I thank God everday for those who have chosen to educate and groom the children who's parents haven't a clue.
I don't suppose it would be possible for you to record this little foray and post it at a later date, would it? I always like hearing about parents who make ME feel better about how I parent.
Is it wrong that I'd really like to be a fly on the wall in that meeting...heck, we could call it observational learning, right?
Good luck!!
Moms who don't get it just harm their own children. What a mess.
good luck with the meeting. i hope it goes as smoothly as possible.
have fun with that meeting...i have met some prety bizarre parents when it comes to Johnny who does no wrong...
Good Lord Beth! When does the fun part of your job start??
You really should be allowed to freak out on the parents. It's only fair.
Sounds like you have a good day ahead of you. Wow. I don't envy your job.
Wow - you know that I know parents like this. Many many. Sigh.
You guys do special ed different from us, I think. Not that the outcomes are much different - but it seems like the process is not like ours.
Also, advocates=ick (unless it's one that I bring to a meeting about my child - ha).
You are awesome, Ms. Beth!
Good luck!
I work in a counseling center and we often get kids in for school district ordered counseling. Some of their parents are a real piece of work!
Phwew! To be expelled.....one has to do some SERIOUS things!! Hope it went well!
Oh Beth, I can tell you stories! Stay cool, you're part of the solution.
UPDATE - The meeting went a LOT better than I imagined. We were able to convince the mother we had her son's best interest at heart. The bottom line is this - he needs an education.
Lucy - If only the Frangelico were legal. If only...
lisa - That was my plan and I stuck to it!
Little Ms Blogger - Mom does need some help. Poor mom and poor kid.
dizzblnd - Honestly, I think the mother is doing the best she can. And I have mad ducking skills.
Jane - Yes, she does! Parenting skills are so undervalued - but so needed.
smiles4u - Mom does seem to be getting it!
Peach Tart - We can dream, right?
TechnoBabe - I worked out tonight. I promise I'm not strong.
Braja - There IS a nice fire.
Pearl - I have a relative like that, too! There is a blog post - but I have to digest it for a while.
Mango Girl - Mom has made way too many excuses for her child. It has only hurt him.
Funny Girl - Actually, Mom is very intelligent. And she is learning to use her intelligence to better her child.
Jan - I wish I could have... But I can already tell, YOU are an excellent parent.
K13 - Observational learning... Good one!
beth - It went far smoother than I imagined.
Brian - You speak my language. Do you teach?
Michel - You just summed up WHY I started a blog.
followthatdog - But the job comes with some excellent blog fodder.
Erin - Some advocates are excellent. Some just want to argue with EVERYTHING and put paranoid ideas into the parent's heads.
Kristina - Piece of work, indeed!
Jules - There were several SERIOUS issues.
lakeviewer - I'll bet you have some GREAT stories!
I had to laught when you said your grandmother use to say that California was going to one day fall off in the ocean. I have always heard that from my parents and grandparents.Maybe it's a southern thing.
As a Southern California resident within "falling ash" distance of the fires, I can confirm the anger, in fact, the down right hostility of the fires in question. Smells like camping around here.
Anyway, glad to hear the angry parent did her due diligence (relatively speaking).
I hate those awkward, uncomfortable meetings--unless I'm just an onlooker. In that case, I find them very entertaining :)
yes! i remember hearing about california's unfortunate demise as a child, too, and do you know, to this day, i have never been there.
good luck with breaking the 'bad' news to the parent.
Glad to hear the meeting was a success!
Why is it that the judge can't order the parent into counseling. Don't forget to bring your superpowers to this meeting.
ugh, best of luck with that situation.. sounds like a headache to deal with
Oh yeah, I like LucyCooper's comment to throw "a little Frangelico in your coffee this morning". Now that sounds like a plan! Hope it turned out A-Okay.
I liked Michel's comment. There really is no fun part to your job as a principal.
I better just stick with math.
Ahhh...the bottom line! Congrats!
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