And I’m not going to talk about the hype surrounding the President’s speech today. Also, I’m going to ignore the SEVENTEEN new emails I received during the night from *concerned* parents. It sounds like today might be a good day to have the secretaries hold the phone calls.
God knows, I wouldn’t want to encourage students to work hard on their education. Sheesh.
But Ms. Poopy might have a thing or two to say. She really stinks doesn’t do well with keeping her opinion to herself. In fact, she posed for this picture to let others know what she thought of some of the people who may or may not be instigators in this whole mess.
I've no idea which president, what it was about, or what he said, and boy that makes me happy..
And all glories to Ms Poopy....:))
My sentiments exactly! I am glad my kids are not that age.
Braja.. you are so lucky to be waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy over there!
Miss Poopy says it all for me.
yes it will be interesting to see what kind of day it will bring to all the schools and teachers. Good Luck :-)
To be completely honest with you, if it's shown in school the kids are gonna do what I would do...sleep through it :)
Not hatin', just being honest.
Peace -Rene
How foolish of the President to focus on our children's education and future. I'm guessing people with no employable skills and maybe a HS education will certainly help this country in the long run.
I have strong opinions about this too. Why when many President's have given messages to school children is this President being singled out? His intent to encourage kids staying in school and being the best they can be is needed. I'll be a southern belle and live my much stronger opinions at that.
President? What President?
ha. i look forward to it...though i feel for you.
Great picture!! My sentiments exactly.
Can Ms. Poopy autograph that picture for the President and send it in?
I think television should be banned today, in all schools and homes with school age children.
I don't really understand why there is such issue with the President talking to kids. What do people think he's going to say to them? I hope your able to bite your tongue today. Cute picture.
Isn't it odd that in our country which upholds anyone's right to free speech, there are some idiots who would not allow that right to the President?
Careful you don't bite all the way through your tongue....good luck today, and every other day for that matter. And for Miss Poopy, I think. it was Winton Marshalis who said "opinions are like butts, everybody's got one."
Ha! That's perfect.
To know what they say "A picture is worth a thousand words!" ♥ It .... ♥ It .... ♥ It ....
I don't understand the big hype either, except that a lot of people think everything and anything is a reason for protests.
When I was in high school, if we had to watch or listen to anything I didn't want to watch or listen to, I just did extra doodling in my notebook. Which is what the kids will do today. No big deal.
You mean COMRADE Obama?
ps - Your dog is, like, extraordinarily shiny!
I don't envy your job!
I would have let my students watch... but it was at lunchtime. We'll have them watch it online tomorrow.
You know, because we are wanting to brainwash them with encouragement. That's a damned evil agenda. Self-determination? The horror.
Oh goodness, I must stop typing.
Beth xxxooo - hats off to you!
They sent a permission slip home in the district in which I'm working. God forbid anyone get there panties in a bunch.
I also do not envy your job. You have a great sense of humor to not lose your mind on these people. :)
I am sure voice mail is pretty full today! I don't think it's a big deal for a president to encourage kids to get a better education, so don't know what the fuss is all about.
I don't think that Marilyn Manson is bad, so WTF would I know? LOL!
these are days that make me THANKFUL I am NOT the principal.
If television should be banned we might as well be in Korea or China ,because that is censorship and last time I checked we do live in America where I am glad I am free to watch what I want to at home and at work. I know people feel Obama is headed toward communism, but this is the worst form of it telling people what they can and can't watch. It was banned from my children's school today because a parent called and said they wouldn't send their child if it was showed. As the famous quote says, "I may not agree with you say but I will fight to the death your right to say it." Freedom for one should be freedom for all.Think of that first Mango Girl because banned for one is banned for all. Do you really want that? Ok now I will step off my soapbox.
Like the kids will listen anyway! LOL
The media really hyped up the negative views about his speech. I think he just wanted to be nice to the kids.
BOO to the spoil sports that ruined the fun event.
I'm so fed up with American politics. It just gets worse and worse. I think I'm going to apply for Australian citizenship and then unsubscribe to all my American news podcasts.
Or maybe I should just do the latter.
Now don't you wish you had washed your blackberry with your whites like I did?
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