Little Ms. Know It All: "What is this word here?"
4th Grade Teacher: "That is the word cacti. It is plural for cactus."
Little Ms. Know It All (with a confused look): "Huh?"
4th Grade Teacher: "It means more than one cactus. When there is more than one cactus we say cacti."
Little Ms. Know It All (clearly not liking that she didn't know something): "Well, I've never heard of it before. How was I supposed to know."
A few minutes pass by when all of a sudden Little Ms. Know It All is back in front of the teacher.
Little Ms. Know It All: "Oh. I get it. Cacti is kind of like possi (pronounced pos-eye)."
4th Grade Teacher (with a confused look):
Little Ms. Know It All (feeling oh so confident): "You know. Possi. Like when there is more than one possum."
Very cute!!!
I get the kids tomorrow... really looking forward to it!
LMAO-there ya go...she's got it..lol too cute and funny.
Now ask her to explain Ponzi.
You need that remote back! This is the 21st century.
I used to be a "Little Ms. Know it All" in grade school. I realized if I wanted more friends, I had to stop acting like I knew everything.
Well, "Little Ms. Know It All" has moxie!
I thought she was trying to say posse! LOL!
Ponzi? Isn't that what Ritchie Cunningham would have called his pal after drinking a six pack???hehe
Ha..Not a lot of city slicker kids are familiar with possums!
Poor little girl... tough way to go through life always wanting to be right and know it all. Her mom needs to crack this little nut.
kids say the funniest things.
if you listen to my son, he's never going to sleep again (he's snoring on the couch next to me), he has 12 girlfriends and every vehicle on the road is a bus...
Thanks for the laugh! Made my evening!!!
oh, now that was funny...lol. the things that kids say...
She is following the rules. Who can argue with that?
I'm going to call my followers followi. :)
Too funny!
Makes perfect sense to me. And possibly all the other bloggi here....
haha! too funny!
Hah, very cute. I like her.
Ahh! I see!! I did not realize what I was doing wrong for all these years. I think I was confused by the new math....
So what you're saying is that I work in an Embassy full of Asshi.
I really enjoy all of your posti, but this one hits home. We have a student who is 8 going on 30, and must be right about everything or she becomes hilariously indignant (not on purpose).
Ain't they fun?
It wasn't you who taught her that in the preceding biology class was it?
At least she gave it some thought, however wrong her conclusion!
Love it! I'm sure it's these daily evens that keep you sane!
I learn something new every day.
Gotta love it!! At least she was trying to wrap her mind around it.
I really do like Braja's bloggi thing. . . 'cause when she says it, it really makes us sound like we're important. . .
What, is that not right?
This is hilarii! (multiple levels of hilariousness)
how fun is it to pluralize using the letter "i" at the end. We often pluralize - such as geni for multiple geniuses. Yeah, we're dorks.
you decked her right?
Ah, I miss the South!
hey, pretty smart! :-)
Very cute. She's a thinker.
If the plural of octopus is octopi, what is the plural of campus?
I arrived here via Nancy.
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