This past weekend, I worked in the backyard. I pulled weeds and then pulled some more weeds. Today, the backs of my legs are in revolt*. I can't walk without stifling the moans of pain. In fact, I can barely walk at all.
Forget running, I've been done in by some rascally weeds.

Since I can't walk, I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day with The Thirteenth Tale. This book was recommended by Jason and I have had to make myself put it down. Jason probably needs to start looking for some cheap tickets to Georgia. Since I can't tear myself away from the book, my summer projects have been neglected. And I have a garage to clean out along with some cabinets and closets.
*Grammar update courtesy of Comedy Goddess.
Books tend to do that, don't they? I have a stack on my nightstand that I'm trying to plug through.
It's all good though . . . enjoy summer!
That book is AWESOME. One of my alltime favorites, for sure.
That's your yard? It's awesome!
Gorgeous yard!!! Yay for running too. You should join me in Disney's Princess 1/2 Marathon - next March. There's a link on my blog.
Your yard is beautiful.
Chris - I love getting lost in a good book! And I freak out if I don't have some options of books I've never read available. Always have to have that "To Read" stack.
Fidgeting Gidget - It is quickly becoming one of my favorites, too.
Kristina - Georgia may be hot but the mild winters help us have a lot of green options.
K13 - I might have to check out that 1/2 Marathon. 13 miles, right?
Pseudo - Thanks for the compliment. It still isn't your beach though.
Your hard work and pain has paid off. Your yard looks beautiful!
Your yard is gorgeous.
I'm collecting to-read titles for my summer reading list (so thanks!). Enjoy your lovely yard and rest up.
I am so jealous of your yard. It is gorgeous!!!! I'm just starting diary by chuck palahinuk today. He's a weirdo so I'm looking forward to this book!
Thanks for the comment (on Pseudo's guest post)! Also, lovely blog header! I'm looking forward to looking around. :)
A good book is worth the time spent reading it. So, give in to this with pleasure. You have earned it.
If that's your yard, I'm not a bit surprised you can't walk after weeding it!
Love the yard. Great job running in that southern humidity. I was just in North Carolina and thought I would melt if I even looked out the window. I cannot imagine actually running.
I am still decompressing from the long school year. I know other people have difficult jobs....
but working with the taxing paying public is a pain. I have been burning/blogging away memories of the year.
Candice - I can't take all the credit. The husband is quite the yard man.
Erin - I want to hear about what you are reading! Maybe we should swap notes.
Isabel - Let me know about that book. It sounds intriguing....
Kristan - You have some great stuff on your blog!
lakeviewer - I love reading as much as I love having time to read!
lizspin - I'm hoping that tomorrow is a better day for moving about. I feel old today.
Musings of the Mrs. - You wouldn't be so impressed if you actually saw me running. I suck wind!
Hit 40/Eileen - I know this that you speak of! The break is not optional.
When I come down there to visit my Dad, I will come over and do your yard work! LOL!
I'm always in search of good books esp. ones you can't put down. Of course, now that I discovered blogging and Twitter I barely know that a book looks like. Sad. I know. Way to go with your running!!
If that's you standing in the way back under the trellis, I would say your legs do not look revolting.
Or, did you mean that your legs are in revolt? ;)
Oh sweet Georgia tall pines - I can almost smell the pine straw.
The garden is gorgeous!!!
Your back yard looks a might better than the backs of your pained legs, I expect. :) And your back yard looks fabulous! Can I come over and sit out there with a nice glass of Shiraz?
Wow! I have garden envy!
It's amazing how those weeds win every time...Your yard looks awesome though!!!
Otin - Does your Dad live in GA? Come on over! My husband always likes having company!
Carma - Yup! Blog reading has definitely taken a toll on some of my reading time.
Comedy Goddess - I should totally hire you to be my editor! Better yet, want to come to my school and teach? :)
Em - I love the smell of pine, too!
Fragrant Liar - The backyard is my most favorite "room" in the house. And come over anytime and we'll have some drinks.
Smart Mouth Broad - But I bet your yard rocks, too! Florida yards are usually awesome!
Southern Drawl - At a point, I'm just going to let the weeds flower and sit back to admire their beauty. It is all in the eyes of the beholder.
That yard is jaw-drop gorgeous!
Yeah, a new book! I need one, just wrote it down.
Go runner.
I need some of your determination. I should be walking every day. I really need to exercise but I procrastinate. I can walk maybe one hour, but I can never RUN!!! So I admire you.
The sculpture is awesome.
Love the yard, it's beautiful - will check out the book - and eeek @ running!
Popped in from Dawn's to say hi!
SHIT! How late am I???
OOOH! Another book for the kindle! I'm ON IT!
PS love the yard. I heart grass and stuff.
Those weeds will do you in, won't they?
Beautiful yard and reading through the summer; that sounds grand. Currently reading two books now..nothing heavy just some chick-lit, mindless stuff, but it's fun. As for running, I wish there was a bra made that would allow me to do that!
OMG, is that part of your backyard??!! I'm coming to visit and I want to sleep there!!
Will investigate this book as am always looking for good/great authors. Panic when I only have one book waiting on my Kindle (get a Kindle Beth, you'd love it and because it's NOT back lit, you can read outside!)
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
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