At the conference, most of the women who bring their husbands do so because the husbands are golf fanatics. Mr. Strong is no golfer. As a result, I do believe Mr. Strong will be hanging out with the wives. This usually entails going to the pool, beach, and shopping. Things Mr. Strong prefers over golfing.
The resort where we are staying is nice but has chosen to reside in 1995. There is no internet access unless you head to the conference center and pay a ridiculous sum for a crappy connection. Therefore, I will be internet-free until Friday. I KNOW. I am worried the tremors might give away my internet addiction.
While I am at the conference, I plan to corner my Superintendent. He had his secretary call to tell my assistant principal and I we have a meeting with him this coming up Monday. Holy freak out! The secretary didn't know what the meeting was about
I figure either we are in trouble or we are going to be knighted.
Fortunately for me, I think I have ways to get the Superintendent to talk while we are at this conference. And if my plan is foiled, there is always the Hospitality Room to help drown out my worries.
Well, if it's the same meeting that I HAD LAST MONTH, I"ll be right over with vodka. You're gonna need it.
Actually, you're probably fine, I'm just a little paranoid these days.
well look at it this way- if you were going to be in BIG trouble, they would have done the meeting before the 'getaway' so as not to pay for your expenses...right? so relax and have fun. You're probably going to be asked to take on more responsibility. Cheers.
I hate those kind of meetings. Good luck. My husband loves going with me to conferences. He doesn't golf, shop, or anything with the girls. He just likes to sit by the pool and read.
That's kind of rude that no one tells you what it's about and I agree w/Mrs. K...why would they pay the conference cost if they were giving you the boot?
Oh, Georgia Coastal Islands - my favorite kind!!
Seriously rude not telling you what the meeting is about. I'd raid the minibar fridge if I were you - might as well get called to the Big Principal's Office for something good.
Have fun!!
LOL well have a wonderful time if you can..I get so mad because places are too cheap to provide internet service...hey I don't need my bed turned down..but I needs to stay in touch with my peoples...people... The casinos around here are that cheap too!
Oi vey! Well, I have to echo what's already been said - surely they wouldn't be paying for this conference if they were going to can you.
Perhaps we should practice calling you Lady Beth? Or Saint Beth - you certainly deserve that title!
Jan-good point I vote Lady Beth! :-)
only because it has a better flow too it..not saying you aren't a saint beth by any means :-))
You are getting a promotion. Now, get ahead of the 'game' and send your sup. a present, thanking him for his support and guidance. How would you react if one of your staff sent you something unexpected?
p.s. You can thank me later. I know, nobody teaches you these things in school; heck, nobody tells you that 90% of your time has nothing to do with instruction, either.
Let me know how you're going to to without interent access. As you know I'm going to go a week...I have the shakes just thinking about it.
Good luck with the super!
I'm betting on your getting knighted.
Sounds like it will be eventful anyway. I think their timing for your meeting sucks. I'd like to get it done first. Good luck Beth!
Hope Mr Strong is taking plenty of books with him! I supose with a name like that carrying the extra weight won't be a problem!
You're getting a huge award because you're the only one in the school system that cares.
But no internet would put me over the edge.
ugh...i hate advance warning for things like that. just show up and tell me what's up. don't make me wonder about it for a week! good luck with the meeting. have fun on your trip! enjoy!
Drink before the meeting; then it will all be better...
Oh aren't those stealth meetings great, Beth? As long as the meeting is with both you and your A.P., it's probably nothing horrible.
At any rate, enjoy the conference!
Mr. Strong's attitude towards golf sounds a lot like mine. I'd much prefer laying around a pool, reading a book than talking with a bunch of guys bragging about their golfing skills (or lack there of). Enjoy the conference!
Have fun at the conference. I'm sure it will be ok w/out the internet access (though I will miss you). Don't worry about the meeting. I can't imagine they would do anything weird w/ your assistant there too...
Hang in there! Are your students all done?
I think you should have a FANTASTIC time at the conference and let tomorrow take care of itself.
That was most trite and simplistic.
Oh well...hello Hospitality!
I'm thinking it's a good thing. This kind of timing is not for bad stuff. So either he's a total asshole or it really will be a good thing. Look at it this way: if it's good, you'll have a nice blog post without much thought. If it's bad, you'll have a BUNCH of blog posts without much thought!
Have fun! I hope it all goes well, especially your forays into the hospitality room.
Here's how you fix any impending doom....get him good and drunk...hire a floozy to take pictures with him that might look comprimising...then use them as blackmail if the need arises. Crises AVERTED! I'm around all week if you need any additional help...now have a great time!
I am sure the meeting is nothing to worry about.
Have fun, relax and enjoy the other women oogling at your hubby by the pool as theirs are off without them. Jealous bitches
I can't wait to hear what happened!
Forget your meetings, get your ass over to our porch, where the alcohol and ammunition are free. Damn, girl, we got us a pile of neighbors to shoot up....
Oh, I am so glad my blogging break is over. I have so missed reading and laughing when I come over here to visit. Although I am a bit stressed out about your Superintendent - not a big fan of those guys. I feel like I am in the middle of a soap opera as I read your post and then all of the creative comments on how to deal with the situation. Can't wait to read your next post to find out what happened in the hospitality room...
I think I know just what island you are going to. Lovely but no internet and cell service is iffy too?
Have a great time and don't forget your camera! We want to go too!
Is "internet Free" a vacation? I get the bends just thinking about it!
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