Attending a conference on one of the Georgia coastal islands has it's benefits. Well, make that
A benefit. You can bring your family and make it a mini-vacation. Who wouldn't want to muck around in this beautiful
sulfur-ey smelling marsh?!

Actually, I love watching the marsh. There are lots of birds and other animals that call this wetland their home. The picture above was the view from our hotel room.
For the past several years, Georgia has been in a drought complete with water restrictions, fights over the water being dammed
like a beaver den in the northern part of the state, and end of the world-like news reports. Well, worry no more! In just a few short weeks, we've gone from droughts to floods.
We took a walk behind the hotel
in-between the deluges and killing the insects who liked hotel life and found several fallen trees. The ground has become so soggy the trees are literally falling over. Mr. Strong and I wanted to climb on this tree but the creaking, split in the trunk made us reconsider.

The resort we stayed in is really nice
if you like the flame stitch decor of the 1980s and was convenient to both the conference center AND the Hospitality Room. And what a Hospitality Room it was full of liquid confidence and mood enhancers! In fact, the longer we stayed in the Hospitality Room, the nicer the resort looked, the funnier everyone was, and happier we all became.
At the conference, during a break, I cornered the Superintendent. It turns out he wants to talk to my Assistant Principal and I about the changes we made in teaching assignments in our faculty. Uh. Um. Ok.
they took 3 of my teachers. And
they made changes in the number of teachers allotted to each grade level. We had to make changes based on the changes
they handed down to us.
I may or may not have the wife of a board member
and I probably don't need to discuss that situation here on my faculty. Sometimes this job is a lot more political than I ever dreamed. And I really don't like politics.
That looks like a fun tree to climb.. but I, too would have been skeered.
I am glad the reason they wanted to talk to you was not as you feared.
Politics suck no matter what they are about or where they happen to take place
I am happy that there was lots of booze there to make it all bearable
You have opened my eyes to the struggles of teaching, along with a few other bloggers, being underpaid is just the least of your problems, it sounds like the students have more sense than your employers!
I just read your profile and realized that you are a principal, that is probably even worse! LOL!
Now I know why I'm retired.
How much energy was put into dept. politics and liking some people and longing to thwart others............
It must be a real drag to have to put up with all of the politics!
At least everyone got better looking through what we used to Happy Hour Glasses.
dizzblnd - My imagination had been working in overdrive. So, yeah. I'm glad it wasn't something worse.
otin - Teachers have to put up with crazy administrators! Oh, wait. That would be me. My bad.
Elizabeth - I can't wait to retire and start another career. Can't wait!
Comedy Goddess - Happy Hour Glasses are the best! If only it were legal at work.
Bah,humbug, politics! Don't even want to consider what you have to put up in that department and which, in my opinion, is so totally unnecessary to education.
I'm with Jane: bah, humbug! to politics :)
Jane - Education is far, far more political than I ever imagined. From my understanding, it is just as bad in private schools.
Hey Braja! So, I should go Scrooge on the Superintendent's speech?
My mom left education because of the politics. Then again we're in Chicago so ordering pizza can be a political event
At my preschool level, the politics are insane. From priviledged parents (the worst), to budget cuts to wanting to be shut down because our school is really good and we're making the other private schools look bad.
It's terrible and I don't like to play the game either.
Hate the politics, love the kids. I just love closing my classroom door and doing my job. I keep my head down and try to stay out of the flinging political crap, but it's so hard to do that! Especially at this time of year.
I'll say it again Beth, you are a better woman than I...! :-)
And at least you get to go on conferences at resorts.
haha.. Politics should be loved..
I am with Only a Movie. I try to stay away from all the crazies that I work with this time of year. I work with an unhappy bunch. This is my 4th school with the worst morale. Everyone of them feels entitled and bloated with their egos. Always trying to one up each other with how smart they are.... When I don't play, they think it is because I am not very bright.
I just try to stay away.
I would guess one of the superintendents brown nosers got moved somewhere that this teacher did not like. You will have to figure out who this snitch is to keep your enemy close.
I don't know if politics is the right word? I guess. It is always about who you know and whose butt you kissed. Politics makes it sound like .... there is some fair system of how things are done for the kids?
Maybe - Just bullshitics???
Dude, I totally hate politics - and yet it is most of what I do for a living. Imagine that!?
I hope you get through this! I know will, but I also know that when politics are involved there is no right answer. You are destined to lose!!
On a happy note, was there free vodka??
This is precisely why I changed my mind about becoming an adminstrator.
I love my school and our staff is fantastic. But our district is hugely political! I, too, try to keep my head low and close my door and do my job, enjoying the kids and the teaching.
We'll keep all this in mind should we ever decide to visit the marsh! I would not like to be in your shoes with all the school politics nowadays. It has got to be a nightmare!
I have discoverd that schools are the most political place to work. It is who you know that gets you a job, and who you kiss up to that keeps that job. That is why I am looking for a different job.Sad isn't it, too much time spent catering to the adults sometimes to worry about if you are giving the students all they need. At least it's that way where I live.
Isabell - I can totally see that happening. Until then, I try to just enjoy the kids. The hard part about working during the summer is that the kids aren't there.
lisa - I hear you on the priveledged parent issue. I've decided their children can probably walk on water. I've just not seen them yet.
Erin - Really, I wish they would have the conference at a different location. It is an old resort and not that clean. But they get a GREAT deal on it! I miss the days of closing the door and teaching. I really, really miss those days! And Erin, you teachers are the unsung heroes!
Hit 40 - I love the new word - Bullshitics. That is exactly what is going on. If only the adults would act like adults and quit all the bickering and backstabbing... And morale is a funny thing. Each person is responsible for their own happiness. When groups of unhappy people get together, the morale suffers no matter what.
Michel - There was free vodka! And I tried it all out. And there is an answer to the politics that involve the boss. I've learned to just agree with him. He likes being right. :)
Jason - I don't know of a school system that isn't politically driven. If you find one, let me know and I'll do the same!
Carma - The marsh is pretty but the beach is where it is more fun. And it smells better.
Elisa - I think it is that way in most school systems. In fact, it was that way in the business world, too. Because we once were all students (and the baggage that comes with that), I think everyone has ideas about how schools should be run. I hope you find a job that is less stressful.
I HATE politics in jobs. I just want to work hard and do what I need to do.
Ah yes, school boards. Three of our members were elected as a block, sponsored by the teachers' union. And that's all I have to say about that.
Could be worse, though. At least it's a "discussion". Good luck!
Politics do suck, but that was a nice view.
It's always the They. rats!
Well, at least you know now :-)
Proof, once again, you guys DO NOT get paid enough!
I'm new to your blog. nice to meet you. I'll stop by again soon.
I've never been to Georgia...who knew about the water situation? Although I didn't know how political education was either. Guess I should pop out of my little bubble more often.
Ugh. I'm not a fan of politics either, esp in the business place. At least the hospitality room was helpful. did you find out anything about your upcoming meeting?
Fingers are crossed that the meeting goes well!!
oh i am with you on the politics thing. i don't like them, NOR am i very good at them.
i do dig that old tree with the moss hanging off it in the first photo.
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