Monday, August 3, 2009

Ready, Set, Activate

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me a story about a little girl who had been in her son's class. No, it isn't that little girl to the right. That's my cousin's beautiful child. She will probably be acting out this story in a few years.

My friend, Ms. PTO, was working at the school during Open House when a little girl, Miss Acrobat, came skipping up to her.

Miss Acrobat: "Hey there, Ms. PTO."

Ms. PTO: "Well, hey there Miss Acrobat! Did you have a good summer?"

Miss Acrobat: "Uh huh! I did! But my momma is ready for me to come back to school."

Ms. PTO: "That's because she is ready for you to learn all the stuff you have to learn as a second grader."

Miss Acrobat: "Maybe. She told me that I activate her nerves."

Once again, I think the parents are going to be the ones most excited about school starting on Wednesday. Their nerves have been activated.


cheatymoon said...

I'm sort of looking forward to my students... tho I still have a few weeks. :-) Cute story. Good luck.

mo.stoneskin said...

When I think about how activated my nerves are once our baby goes down for the night I can fully understand.

Brian Miller said...

lol. 21 days till school starts...yeah they activate at times...but i'll miss my play mates.

k said...

is it wrong that I already TOTALLY understand this and E is only 18 months old?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I've always been addicted to sleeping in, and school meant I couldn't do that any more. So, school to me meant I had to actually get OUT of bed, FEED her, and wait for her to come home. Which gave me an entire day that started too soon.

Anonymous said...

I've actually had a great summer with the kid- but I am looking forward to school so we can go back to a routine. I'm a creature of habit.

Anonymous said...

My students activate my nerves by the end of the year (9 months of it).... And parents only have 3 months of it!!! Funny!!!

Crazy Charm said...

You start on Wednesday! Holy moley. Good luck!

sun lover said...

Unfortantly I am one of those overly excited stay at home parents. Is that bad? I am all out of activities to keep the tv at bay. Plus it is really hard to keep the house clean with all the rugrats loose!

Let the Madness Begin !

CiCi said...

I worked and paid babysitters during the summers so I always felt like I didn't have enough time with my munchkins. I know I could not have been a teacher because a teacher has to have super human powers of patience and insight. I do not have those attributes. So I admire teachers from afar now that the kidlings have kidlings of their own.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

My nerves have been activated all summer...however, I homeschool so I need to find a nerve de-activator! lol!

Hit 40 said...

Oh the parents do love school starting up again!! I wish I could stay home to enjoy the quiet of my own kids going back to school. Nice!!

I enjoyed the quiet without the kids this weekend!!

Pseudo said...

for every post I wrote about not being ready to go back to work, there were always commenters who were more than ready to go back to school...

Stephanie Faris said...

SO cute! Reminds me of some of the things my niece has said.

Kristina P. said...

I can't believe that school is already starting! It starts here on the 24th.

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

We don't start until the 27th!!


Rosaria Williams said...

What would mothers/fathers do if they had 30+ children for five/six hours straight. Have them take over some projects supervising and organizing children, and much appreciation for teachers will follow.

Deb said...

and my husband is activating my nerves for the next two weeks. "staycation" is hell, i tell you.

nikkicrumpet said...

Sadly...once they've been activated they seem to never go back. How you been woman????

Jan said...

I am fortunate in
that The Young One spends most of the summer with his father, so my nerves aren't too terribly activated when he begins school. They were, however, activated to the EXTREME by the time school let out in June.

I miss him now, though, and am ready for him to come home.

Everyday Goddess said...

You know, I really like how my daughter activates my nerves.

I really love every minute we have together! It's all good really.

Blissings to you and yours!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Great story. I thought once my kids were out of school, it wouldn't make a difference to me but now that my boss is bringing her kids to the office everyday, I can't wait for school to start. UGH!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

BTW, that little girl is gorgeous!

Alyson | New England Living said...

So true! Wish mine were starting on Wednesday, by the way. I've still got 4 more weeks.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Very cute!

Deb said...

Yikes - school on Wednesday?! Seems like a short summer vacation to me. Hope you are rested and ready to go and your nerves are 'unactivated' as you prepare for another school year. Enjoy!

Amy said...

What a fun post. Thanks for stopping by when Pseudo was around. Come on back on Friday for my Round Robin...

I see you have a dachshund? I use to have one...

Unknown said...

Your cousin's daughter is beautiful!

I remember how my kids activated my nerves in the summer months and how glad I was when school started again in the fall; now I see my daughter being activated too!

Kulio said...

Wonder Twin Powers....Activate!


Ann Imig said...

This reminds me of a story from a friend. When her little brother was a toddler he told his mom when she was angry:

"MOM! Get to your controls!"

Marinka said...

Hysterical. And the comments are cracking me up. Maybe because I was pre-activated.

Carma Sez said...

Mom, get to your controls! LOL

I love how kids tell it like it is. My son was asking if my parents were like "Mao Tse Tung" the other day because they seem to be pushing him into a certain career :D

anymommy said...

Oh yeah, my nerves are activated, unfortunately I have two years before full time school. This story is priceless.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Oh how I hate it when my nerves get activated...they're activated right now in fact.

Margo said...

unfortunately my nerves are the most active things about me recently... I could smack myself for saying a few months back that teenagers weren't that challenging. I swear I have no idea how teachers -of any ages- do it.

Michel said...

Wow. Your cousin's daughter is beautiful. You might want to cut her face before she becomes a teen and gets all bitchy. I'm just sayin...

My parents sent me to camp mid-summer because I don't think i ever actually deactivated their nerves!

Mike said...

How did I miss a post???? Michel is right, your niece is like a little model! I am activated sometimes! Pepto Bismol helps!!!

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

What a beautiful little girl! Now it's y'alls turn to be "activated." That is hilarious!