Monday, October 12, 2009

Sometimes we all need a little perspective


Today was Monday.  All day long.  I’m really not trying to be a Master of the Obvious.

The fire alarm was set off twice by the AC repair guy soldering wires in the electrical room.  The good news is that we get to count this as our monthly practice fire drill.  The bad news, we had to evacuate the building in the rain.  Even though the teachers fussed, I had to laugh when the kids cheered about the fire trucks arriving on the scene.

The aforementioned air conditioner is still not working in our Media Center.  This can’t be good for the books all of us during the freak heat wave.  The good news is that we are getting a totally new AC unit for the Media Center.  The bad news is that they think this will be up and running by freaking Thursday.  I wonder if they’d work faster if we all wore our bathing suits.  Then again, they might just pour bleach into their eyes.

Just when we thought things might slow down in the clinic because how many kids can puke at school on one day, little Mr. Why Walk When I Can Run ran into the fence and cut his eye and forehead.  The good news is that it WILL be better before he gets married even if he thinks getting married is yucky.  The bad news is that he needed 8 stitches. 

As the day pulsed on giving no indication of ever slowing down, in walked Mr. Hero donning a Sponge Bob Square Pants face mask.  Mr. Hero was sent home with flu-like symptoms almost a month ago.  When he didn’t get better, the doctor ordered more tests and sent the boy to some specialists.  The end result for this 7-year old trooper was a diagnosis of Leukemia.  Mr. Hero wanted to see his friends at school before he had to go back into the hospital for another spinal tap and chemo.

As I fought back tears, I stood in awe at the strength and tenacity in this little guy.  Suddenly, I realized it had been a great day.


Mango Girl said...

OH!!!! My heart goes out to Mr. Hero!!! Very aptly named.

It was a good day...



cheatymoon said...

Perspective, indeed.

Laura Marchant said...

Oh Mr. Hero brought tears to my eyes.

essbesee said...

serious perspective gotten from your post just now. you are awesome, as is Mr. Hero. xo, s

Hit 40 said...

Oh my heavens! Leukemia!! Just horrible. I have never heard of flu like symptoms being a sign of this illness. Poor little guy :-(

...I will admit it!!!! I LOVE A FIRE DRILL. I will go outside in any weather just to get out for a while. Plus, the kids love the diversion.

Beth said...

Mango - We actually cut out x's and o's and had everyone in the entire school sign one for him.

Movie - Indeed!

Midwest Mommy - Mine, too.

Sherri - You are too sweet.

Hit 40 - He started off with a fever and aches. Turns out the aching legs and back weren't from a flu.

Anonymous said...

You got me on this one...Tears!

Deb said...

ugh, why do we have to get kicked in the stomach before we see the silver lining sometimes?

and for crying out loud, why weren't you guys out of school for the holiday today? haven't you people heard of a fellow named christopher columbus?!

crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer for sweet mr. hero.

Everyday Goddess said...

That is the perfect name, Mr. Hero.

Can't you talk someone into giving your school district Columbus Day off?

Ash said...

Oh Mr. Hero.

I hate pediatric cancer more than PKU - and I detest PKU.

Why the children?

Mike said...

Beth, that was heartbreaking and uplifting all in the same post. I am speechless....... I hope that he comes through it ok.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid.....

The Bus Driver said...

hugs to mr hero and you. Hopefully they caught it early enough that he can make a full recovery.

rxBambi said...

copying only a movie: it is all about perspective, isn't it.
thoughts and hugs to mr hero...

mo.stoneskin said...

I can't believe that your accidental drill, which could in theory have been the real thing, counted as a real drill.

Our AC guys and window cleaners have set the the alarms of many times and they still see fit to send us out in the rain in the same month.

Beth said...

The Things We Carried - I cried, too.

Deb - We didn't get Columbus Day off but we do get this Friday AND next Monday and Tuesday. Thanks for your prayers.

OMG - I like his name, too. He came in smiling and happy - despite being sick from the chemo.

Em - Like you, I always question when it is a child. They shouldn't have to face such issues.

Otin - At this point, the parents have been told he has between a 60 to 70% chance of beating the cancer. We are very optimistic!

Jules - I agree.

The Bus Driver - Hugs right back to you. I am praying for that full recovery, too.

rxBambi - Life has a way of keeping me grounded.

Mo - Well, maybe we aren't supposed to count the real deal as a practice. But isn't a real evacuation worth more than a practice? If they say something, I'll plead ignorance.

Brian Miller said...

oh wow. Mr. Hero just made my day as well. stay cool.

Unknown said...

Prayers for Mr. Hero will be sent daily. So glad to know that his prognosis is on the high side.

sun lover said...

Life is funny. It is sad that it takes a Mr. Hero to remind us all how blessed and lucky we really are.

My daughter (who is 7) has a classmate who has cancer. In between chemo rounds she comes to school with her bald head a big smile.

You in the south continue to have heat waves while we in the north are freezing our bums off. We went to the pumpkin patch and had to get out the winter coat gear. It was brutal.

Thanks for sharing the story today. It was sad and uplifting all at the same time.

Pseudo said...

We have had pranksters pulling fire alarms so often at our school, everyone just sits and waits for the intercom to come on and announce for us to stay put. If that doens't happen after a minute or so - then we go. One of these days we are all going to get burned if the real deal comes along...

Mr. Hero is AMAZING. He will be in my thoughts all day.

k said...

Ohhhh - Mr. Hero..poor guy!! How sweet that he wanted to come by and see everyone.

Nancy said...

Beth -- another really poignant post. At least there weren't two false-alarm pranksters -- that makes the Fire Department folks kinda cranky as I know from personal experience.

Little Mr. Hero - hang in there, buddy. You made Miss Beth's day, and you sure made mine, too.

Aunt Becky said...

Perspective is a powerful thing. My prayers are with his family.

CiCi said...

You are right, what a trooper. Only seven years old and I am sure he misses his routine and his school friends. Little Mister Hero now has a fan club.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Just when I had something all fun and snarky to made me cry. What a trooper.

Jan said...

What SMB said.

Go, Mr. Hero.

Beth said...

Brian - Everything seems like a small deal.

Jane - Thanks for your prayers.

Sun lover - We really are blessed.

Pseudo - Thankfully, the little children don't seem to know to pull the alarm.

K13 - Mr. Hero is a sweetie.

Nancy - Glad to know that Mr. Hero has touched so many.

Aunt Becky - I probably need more perspective. But I could do with never having another child diagnosed with cancer.

TechnoBabe - So sweet! I like the idea of a fan club.

SMB - I'm sure I'm not done crying over this situation. But with tears comes joy...

Jan - We can be his cheerleaders!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

All the best to Mr. Hero. . .

Chris said...

Yeah, sometimes that's all it takes to put things in perspective. Great story.

bernthis said...

after reading this, I went and gave my little girl a giant hug and kiss. that poor kid. I can't even imagine what his family might be going through. God bless them all

Wendi said...

I just love reading you. Mr. Hero indeed.

Badass Geek said...

Peaks and valleys, my friend.

Carma Sez said...

Oh sorry for the little guy :-(

Captain Dumbass said...

Wow. Sometimes life needs to kick you in the pants to get you back on track. Good luck to him.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

oh that poor baby. i almost cried when i read the last part of this post.