My last post was over a month ago. Apparently, I'm an all or nothing kind of girl when it comes to blogging here. I've still been taking posting a picture a day over on the other blog (http://mundaneandmagical.blogspot.com/) but I've all but turned my back on this blog.
Is it over between us? And by us, I mean this blog and me.
I still have a lot of ideas that swirl in my head keeping me awake at night.
I think I just needed to simplify my life. The month of May was an emotional one: both boys turned a year older (and is it really possible for me to be the mother of a 20 year old and an 18 year old?); we had tile taken up and tile put down in our den and kitchen; my oldest son moved out; my youngest son graduated from high school; it was another typical can't catch your breath end of the school year; some jobs were lost...
Still, I miss this place. I miss my friends.
Now would be a good time for me to learn some moderation. When it comes to blogging, that is.
How did I miss your other blog?? I have to go catch up!!
May was a tough tough month, school-wise. And I can't believe June is 1/2 over. Yesterday we finished up and I think I will be in shock for a few days...
One son moving out is enough emotion for awhile. Sounds like you have been busy. I like your other blog and will be checking it out often too.
Hi. I guess we can take a break can we.
Life has a way of stringing you along, until you stop and push pause. Good to see you around.
The ebb and flow of blogging can be hard. There are times when I just want to walk away, and other times I love it dearly.
how about once a week? I could use some serious computer-time moderation myself. glad to see you back.
There is always so much going on at the end of the school year. Its hard to find time to turn around let alone blog. Hopefully, we'll see you back here soon!
glad you made it through may ...and welcome back...will have to check out your pics!
I was wondering what happened to you. Don't be such a stranger! Hey, it's summer. Take some time off.
Oh I get what you mean. Simplifying your life is so much easier to say then do.
I have been having a love hate relationship with my blog. The hate has been winning for the last 3 plus months. I hope to change that soon.
I've missed yo too Beth! And how did I not know about the other blog?
Don't quit, just slow down. I had to and in the end it's a lot more enjoyable.
I was wondering when you'd be back!! You were missed!!
Everyone needs a little break now and then.
I'm off to check your other blog.
Also didn't know you had another blog... and did you know I had a new one??
Good to 'see' you back...
I know exactly how you feel. I hardly post anymore. I'm losing interest.
I missed you! Blog breaks are needed from time to time. We'll be holding your seat for you...
I think we all go through phases when it comes to blogging, and no one should feel bad about them. I tend to fall off the map when my boyfriend, who is a merchant marine, is home, and I consider that only natural. However, I enjoy catching up on blogging when he is away. Sometimes moderation doesn't fit well in life.
Seriously? I did not know you had another blog. I will go check it out. Yeah, moderation and discipline with the blogging is essential to keeping your sanity and preventing burnout. If only I could pay attention to my own philosophy.
I'm kinda the same way...it's all or nothing.
I'm just now getting back into the swing of things.
Okay. So I take a year's sabbatical off blogging, and then I come back...and both you and only a movie are heading off for sabbaticals??
What the pooping poop? Beth??
(This is Amy, the GA teacher from magical thinking, who's now got suns in her tummy, but I'm still in GA. That hasn't changed. For now. It's a long story and I'm not allowed to blog about because it's not officially my story. Yet.) (You may not even remember me, which would make this comment really embarrassing, because you might be thinking: what a very odd person and how much more is she going to write...which you would be right! Exactly!)
Also, your photo blog is very swank. If I could figure out how to get my camera to stop taking fuzzy pictures, and I had even a smidgeon of photography talent, I'd do a lot more photos too.
And in conclusion, moderation is hard. You can see my own difficulty with this throughout this entire comment.
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