Monday, December 14, 2009

Up for a downer

This past weekend, I worked as if I were a slave for free for my husband on several different catering gigs.  It was actually a lot of fun since when you are feeding people, they are usually happy.  We even got to meet the real-life version of Lorraine Swanson (a character on Mad TV). 

lorraine She was just lovely… and by lovely I mean it took everything ounce of patience not to push her out to the lake and hold her head under water.  I probably missed my chance to be a hero.  It must suck to be old and crotchety.

In between catering jobs, my mother and I went to see a movie and she picked Precious.  It was a great movie; however, I despise leaving a theatre with a red, snotty nose it was so sad!  I’ll never look at quiet, withdrawn students in the same way.tissues

To counteract the sadness I felt at the theatre, I came home and watched a movie from Netflix that has been sitting on my TV for 3 months.  Why did I not know Ordinary People was so glum?

And what is it with the crappy sucky mean mothers in both these movies?  Come to think of it, Lorraine Swanson kind of looks like the witch cow mother in Ordinary People.

I knew I should have held her head under water. 


Vodka Mom said...

May I just say - I adore MAD tv??????


Anonymous said...

i got dragged to see invictus.

it was actually pretty good. for some reason i didn't want to see precious and you just validated it. :)

mo.stoneskin said...

You mean your husband doesn't pay you? Shame.

Lori said...

I pray to God I am not a mean crabby old woman when I am old. I really want to see that movie, even if it makes me cry. I'm a pretty big baby that can cry over a commercial. :)

Mama-Face said...

LOL. I love that we commenters will notice different parts of a post they can relate to!

Mine...the fact that you had a netflix movie for 3 months. Same. Maybe if I spend less time on the computer it would get watched. Maybe. I do wish you'd been warned about Ordinary People.


Laura Marchant said...

Ok, now I don't think I can see precious. If I know I am going to cry I am too afraid to see it.

Unknown said...

You totally missed your chance Beth!

Can't wait to see Precious even though I, too, will cry buckets. Just saw Julie and Julia last night and loved it... but then, Meryl Streep can do no wrong in my book. If you haven't seen this, think your catering hubby would enjoy... and then break out with his own blog!

Kulio said...

You need a happy, feel-good movie!!!

I just saw "Away We Go" and it has some down moments, but such a sweet, positive spirit throughout. It's cool.

Liz Mays said...

One more downer and you're going to put your OWN head under water. Stop it!

cheatymoon said...

I watched the Departed this weekend. It must have been the weekend for downer movies - although I thought it was GREAT.

Enjoy the kids this week. I hope there is fun holiday stuff going on in your school.

Christine Gram said...

Don't you hate it when you unintentionally watch a hyper-sad movie! A few months ago mine was "Grace is Gone"... the title should have been a big tip off, but I was just looking forward to seeing John Cusack in a new film.

Rosaria Williams said...

You are a very good wife; too good sometimes. Don't you know how to say no? Does he come and help you manage that school?

Brian Miller said...

and now you get to try and survive a week with kids hopped up on hopes for the holiday break and all the parties...smiles.

Ash said...

You need a great big helping of Funny girl.

Try "The Ref" - a seasonal favorite that keeps on giving laughs.

And I don't know why people feel the need to be cranky - the lake, yeah, good option.

Herding Cats said...

I still really want to see Precious. I know it will make me cry, but it looks like a great story.

CiCi said...

I'll wait to see Precious on DVD. Lots of good movie suggestions in the comments here. I think it is a good experience for you to work alongside your husband in his catering work, you get to see how he handles himself at his work and he gets to appreciate your lending a hand and working hard to help him. Makes it more of joint venture.

Kristina P. said...

I don't know if I will see Precious or not. Sounds hilarious! :P

Michel said...

I haven't seen either of those!!! Now I have to watch them because I feel left out not being able to spout my opinion.

I watched stupid paranormal activity last week and still can't sleep. That shit is effed up.

Jan said...

I wish I'd gone to see Precious - instead, I watched Julie and Julia and got to see how a food blogger who can't cook was given a book deal after blogging for one lousy year.

I imagine Precious was upbeat compared to how I felt after I watched this frigging film.

Chris said...

If you want to keep crying in theaters this holiday season, go see Deniro's "Everybody's Fine". Great flick, but NOT the warm comedy the previews lead you to believe. Anyone in their 60's or who has a parent in that age range will be touched. I called my dad as soon as I got home from the theater.

Mike said...

Mary Tyler Moore was actually the mother in Ordinary People. That was a sad movie!

k said...

i guess i live under a rock because I had not heard of the movie Precious, but I just visited my faithful IMDB friend and I want to see it...but that probably won't happen 'til it's on video. Boo!

Pseudo said...

I work catered events every once in awhile still. So different than education, yes?

Carma Sez said...

Two tearjerkers in a row? Count me out. I do enough crying while working out watching the morning shows...

H.K. said...

I don't think I could see Precious. I went to a school where there were a lot of girls like "Precious." But, I heard it was a good movie.